1000m laser ragefinder, any suggestions?

i need to put a laser rangefinder on a gimbal to work on a copter (only to show distance on screen) . lightware go up to 120 and there’s another brand listed on doc’s rangefinders page which does 250m. i need 1000m… i can develop an interface if it does not came with ardupilot compatible one. any ideas?

You will not achieve that range. Military rangefinders can do kms but are extremely dangerous (and heavy). You’re better off having an accurate map of the terrain in the area and using trignometry to find the range.

some of latest DJI (m300) payloads have the 1km rangefinder (claimed, at least, but it’s there). I need that to propose something similar.

I looked up that drone but on the DJI page at least I could not find anything about 1km. I’d be interested to see a link.

It’s probably this being refereed to:

exactly, rated at 4000 ft

That’s crazy.

Thinking about it, I suppose if you used a massive lens like they have to magnify the width of the laser beam while still keeping it collimated you could make it eye safe.

It’s class 1M no damage to naked eye.

Maybe consider a radar altimeter for a manned aircraft.

How this devices can archive 1500m. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004215074905.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.478a22eaVzS7MB&algo_pvid=1127ba70-6b92-4e2a-a3e5-3d8aa8144d04&algo_exp_id=1127ba70-6b92-4e2a-a3e5-3d8aa8144d04-0&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000028407177787"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!CLP!187858.0!93929.0!!!!!%402101e9d416651684344475966e70d6!12000028407177787!sea&curPageLogUid=9dWP6hEnmA3Y
I need a sensor with this specs.