1.2.91 Issues

Also entered in Github list…dont know which one is actually used…

In Flight Planner Waypoint list:

Copter: LoiterTime time entered is incorrectly loaded to APM…ie enter 700 seconds, 44 seconds is actually entered and executed…

Plane: TAKEOFF waypoint type is missing the field label for the MAXPITCH option part of that command in the waypoint list…havent actually checked the stored waypoint file/APM to see if this option is actually transfered or not, but seems to work right when actually executed on the mission…cant swear to it though…

where you connected to a copter/plane? the list changes depending on what you are connected to.

Plane issue resolved…took a complete reboot of planner…issue showed immediately after upgrade…once rebooted, no longer an issue…

Copter issue reconfirmed multiple times back on the bench…can set X seconds for Loiter time…it will get written correctly if saved to PC file, but loading into APM and then reading back from APM shows that its changed …700 -> 188 seconds…


The waypoint list should correctly reflect the attached APMs waypoint set, whether plane or copter, and it does with the above exception for copters
…I have both…flew both today…

LOITER_TIME field is limited to 0-255 seconds…but is not documented anywhere…should be in the Wiki for the command…WAYPOINT delay is likewise limited…