X copter with oscillation around its diagonal

We have a drone that was really stable for several flight and lately start oscillating on a diagonal with a mix of pitch and roll oscillation.
For exemple for the first flight we had oscillation on the two CCW motors and nothing on the CW motors and it switched for the second flight.
Some quick info about the drone :see_no_evil:

  • 170kV motors
  • 12S
  • 22 inch props
  • Diag about 1m
  • 8kg for the tests

Log :

If you have any idea.

Thanks for you help !

I keep digging.
Oscillations seems to be auto-amplifided. I suspect an issue with vibration but not an expert.

The drone flew for about 10 hours before having this issue so I suspect a mechanical reason.
What are yours thought about it ?

Thank you !

I’m doing a workshop on tuning drones for professionals on the 16 of April. Want to join?

I’ll also be presenting the ArduPilot methodic configurator GUI software:

Oh yes it would be great ! Thanks @amilcarlucas for the invitation.

Still investigating my issue.
Reducing the MOT_THST_EXPO has clearly an impact the drone behavior and its “capability” to start these oscillations. (ESC T-MOTOR 60 A 12S)
For now I have

MOT_PWM_MIN = 1100

There you can find some videos of this behavior :
IMG_2369.MOV - Google Drive (good flight)
IMG_2370.MOV - Google Drive (oscillation)

Is it possible that these oscillations are happening because the motors are hitting the MOT_PWM_MIN when pushing the control “too far”?
Increasing throttle during oscillations seems to stop it.

The drone could be “too light” ?

On these logs, the oscillation is added to the second part.

Check this out

thanks @MindProbe.
I did read this thread.
I doesn’t seems to be the issue because we did test the combo motor/props/ESC on a test bench last week and the 0.4-0.3 seems correct like many people suggest for T motor Flame ESC.

[correction] 0.4-0.3 is incorrect, the P60-X Combo Pack X-Agricultural Type (Integrated Propulsion System)UAV Motor 170KV seems to have a linear correction for the ESC