Hi Randy, after a lot of trial and error I managed to get a cruise motor running. In the end, even though the cruise motors only have a sole 5 pin torqeedo connector (DC power is connected directly unlike the Traveller motors), the cruise motor needed the Tiller_Type parameter set to 2
Also the Cruise motors often dont start properly, they pulse erratically when applying throttle. This happened with a previous technician with the remote throttle/Arduino mod. He found a PWM range somewhere between1100 and 1500 worked better on the cruise motors but am unsure if he factored this into the Arduino script. I will be testing this on the Japan Drone TTL boards as well to see if it makes a difference. The pulsing motor is best described like a badly synced esc. Once the motor is nursed into a moderate rpm it all seems to work from then on until the power is completely cycled again. Then it is rinse and repeat…
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