There are two flight videos I have seen of successful flights of quadplanes where all 4 motors tilt to provide thrust for fwd flight. One is the video from @studenblume that @rolf shared, and another is one shared with me privately that I can’t share. I have also flown them in the RealFlight8 simulator successfully.
There are multiple ways of configuring aircraft like this, and it is perfectly possible that we don’t support a variant that is being used by the person you have been discussing this with.
Some key things about this sort of aircraft:
- we don’t currently support doing vectored yaw with this type of aircraft. So yaw when hovering is done in the same way it is done with a normal quadplane. You should leave Q_TILT_TYPE=0
- the way its setup at the moment you should have a single logical tilt servo. You may of course have 2 or 4 servos in the aircraft, and they can be on separate output channels if you like (so you can trim them separately), but they will all be treated as a single logical tilt servo. You should set SERVOn_FUNCTION=41 (for motortilt) on all of the servos
- we currently assume that any motor that tilts should also be run in forward flight. We don’t support running only a subset of the tilted motors in fwd flight (that has been requested by a couple of people)
- when doing your first test flight I’d recommend using QHOVER and FBWA only, and setting Q_TILT_RATE_DN and Q_TILT_RATE_UP quite low (say 20 to 30 degrees/second)
- make sure you do your test transitions at a good height - say 40 meters or more, so you have time to recover
These types of aircraft are quite difficult to tune. Take it slowly and carefully.
Good luck with it!