Tiltrotor support for plane

there is a bug in the current firmware beta2. Airspeed is not working. I opened a issue.

Besides that we did some transitions today. Because of the wind we flow just in QSTABILIZE and STABILIZE. We flow the first battery with ~5 successful transitions(QSTABILIZE -> STABILIZE). The second battery was reserved to produce some short log files and videos. There just one transitions was successful. Because of that I would like to focus on the transitions STABILIZE -> QSTABILIZE.


  • YAW_P = 0
  • Wind SE ~6m/s
  • Transition QSTABILIZE -> STABILIZE was difficult because of some wind and no airspeed data
  • Transition STABILIZE -> QSTABILIZE was always nice but the motors throttled up after switching to QSTABILIZE, I don’t know why.

Here three logs:
2017-02-02 14-53-16.bin.zip (8.1 MB) https://youtu.be/piBjsb7iwkU (successful QSTABILIZE -> STABILIZE)
2017-02-02 14-57-31.bin.zip (4.1 MB) https://youtu.be/f_i4dSa02-I
2017-02-02 15-00-24.bin.zip (4.3 MB) https://youtu.be/zheFfF0qy-Y

Here the flights with the first battery with more successful QSTABILIE -> STABILIZE transitions.
2017-02-02 14-22-43.bin.zip (38.9 MB)

I hope this flights and logs are useful for the tiltrotor development.