Testing needed for major PX4Firmware update

So Tridge, that previous build has been superseded by master, right ?

@LuisVale, yep, I’ll remove them

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dear tridge
sorry for my english i am french
i just to buy this great little board to avoid imu2 problem that we can have with pixhawck

i would like to use arducopter firmware
i am a newbie so i would like to know if everything working as well than we can have for original pixhawck or if it s always in beta


the original is always out of stock
this seem to be great quality with alloy case

Sorry to reply

I believe you should get the original, that has tested and certified quality vs a unknown.

The original producers of the PixRacer actively support the ArduPilot project, so we should try to support them and get the products from them.

In Europe, it’s quite easy to get a PixRacer, don’t be fooled for the out of stock, just proceed with the purchase and you’ll get the PixRacer faster than you’d expect.

Si tu veux que le project Ardupilot continue, achete la PixRacer à Philip et Nick. La différence de prix ne paie pas (et la douane va te charger on plus de le prix annoncé)