That did cross my mind. I wont be doing the landing without the relay stations (atleast not at more than 60Km away) and yes, the relay stations will be mounted on towers. There are no fixed landing spots, I want to be able to land anywhere in the 400 x 200 km area.
Thats the thing. The range / coverage is just part of the equation. I do have quite a bit of experience, and I’ve a bit of long range, just not this far and not with 1.3 video (mostly 2.4)
As for lithium sulfur batteries I don’t see why that is too difficult, there are manufacturers which accept quotations.
I have designed the VTOL and done CAD airflow analysis etc. Nothing too out of this world… But as I said, this whole thing is one big experiment.
I’m just trying a lot of new things at once, hence why I consulted the forums
Sorry I I’m coming across as inexperienced. I just wanted to be sure😊
Yes, I was planning on getting the 1000mw rx. Thanks!
Speaking of telemetry (at risk of sounding inexperienced, but I want to be sure) does dragonlink support MAVlink 2.0? It should right?
That does sound like good wisdom… Thanks, You have a point and I’ll take it.
Well… I guess I only need the control link while I’m about 100-200m above the ground, I can asses the situ and then switch it to RTL or land and the actual landing will be automatic.
hmm just do the math, in 60km thats around 0,0954° not taking into account the curvature if the earth (around 47,1m). If there is a small hill, a tree, a house -> not working. Also the fresnel zone is highly violated. thats a very high chance of a failsave. go for 4g with that. you also mentioned irriduim satcom. i am not sure if you used that before but there can be a ton of latency. just a rule of thumb, for every 1km you go out, go 100m higher.