Strange firmware issue (RadioLink Mini Pix)

Hi, could I load the firmware you modified to download it and install it on my mini pix? I have exactly the same problem, and my mini pix has been completely disabled, thanks.

If I had a dollar for every problem post about these RadioLink Flight controllers I could buy a Cube Blue :smirk:

I picked this up again yesterday.

The hacked up version I’ve got here has no storage - not even a
fallback to SD card. That makes it not-so-useful at this point.


No one has the modified firmware version?

I have the same problem. Mini Pix 1.0II without Ramtron FRAM chip. I have complied source provided by Pasi and load it with BetaFlight, but it does not boot properly. Initially, light goes pinkish for a very short moment, afterwards red light starts flashing and a few seconds later it stops.

If I boot Pix with QGC open, red light does not stop flashing and I can re-flash the board.

I would like to troubleshoot this problem, but I am not sure how to get boot logs ?

Just solved the problem. If someone else has the same problem, first build and upload new bootloader. And in the second setup upload ardupilot. Make sure to use linux tools (dfu-util and waf).

@Robert_Lukan how are you entering bootloader mode? Just shorting the boot0 pin according to the diagram on the Wiki?

Not just shorting, but providing 3.3V. Make sure to use ground as well. You can use any available ground.

Hi, Robert.
I want to do the same as you.

First, I built boot loader by waf with Pasi’s source code.
Then I wrote it by dfu-util after rebooting mini-pix providing 3.3V.
Finally, I used waf to upload arducopter.
But it is not working at the moment.

Could you tell me more about how you did it?

Have you used the binary of arducopter that you have built or some other version ? I guess other version might also work, as the main patch is applied to the bootloader ? I have used exact same version that Pasi has on github(MiniPix branch).

I followed exact same procedure that you did. I could not use latest version of arducopter as flash is too small. So I have used MiniPix branch that is slightly older version, but still fine for me.

Hi, Robert.

I tried with Copter 3.6.12, and it successed.
Thank you.


I apologize for my English, but in other forums I could not find more information on the mini-pix problem. Now the main problem is that the mini-pix does not save the settings after turning off the power. I went through all the recommendations of this forum, but the problem remained. Tell me where to look further?
Sincerely, Oleg_K.

tested successfully on V1-type hardware with the FRAM removed. i’d highly appreciate testing on V2 hardware, focussing param storage.

fw files:

please mind updating the bootloader too.

cheers, basti

I tried the firmware on your advice. Everything worked as it should. Thank you very much. I acquired several such mini-pixels and only one worked fine, the rest did not want to flash correctly. Your tip helped a lot.

Regards, Oleg.

thanks for testing,

It works great, thanks a lot, I’ve been trying to make my mini pix work for half a year and now it works great.

thanks for testing, good to hear you got it working.

@peterbarker is doing a great job making firmware- / bootloader-transition to full ardupilot much easier via an intermediate fw for migration.

cheers, basti.

Dear basti,

I tried to test your new *.dat files.
Unfortunately I got follwoing error.

ubuntu@ubuntu-W650RZ:~/ardupilot$ ./waf configure --board mini-pix
Setting top to : /home/ubuntu/ardupilot
Setting out to : /home/ubuntu/ardupilot/build
Autoconfiguration : enabled
Setting board to : mini-pix
Using toolchain : arm-none-eabi
Checking for ‘g++’ (C++ compiler) : /usr/lib/ccache/arm-none-eabi-g++
Checking for ‘gcc’ (C compiler) : /usr/lib/ccache/arm-none-eabi-gcc
Checking for c flags ‘-MMD’ : yes
Checking for cxx flags ‘-MMD’ : yes
Checking for program ‘make’ : /usr/bin/make
Checking for program ‘arm-none-eabi-objcopy’ : /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy
Error: Pin PC7 redefined
Failed to process hwdef.dat ret=1
(complete log in /home/ubuntu/ardupilot/build/config.log)

What should I do?


@miw01 this is an alt config define that has already been reverted again, so you might just comment out that line: PC7 USART6_RX USART6 NODMA ALT(1)

however the issue most likely is your working branch and build environment are not up to date. make sure you’ve got the ALT_CONFIG code implemented and maybe consider updating your compiler. current version is gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2017-q2-update

check back here if issues persist.


Dear basti-san,

I did “sudo apt-get update” and “sudo apt-get upgrade”.
Them I check gcc as:

ubuntu@ubuntu-W650RZ:~$ sudo find / -name gcc-arm-none-eabi*
[sudo] ubuntu のパスワード:
find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: 許可がありません

After, I tried “./waf plane” and it successed.

Thank you.

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