Some Motors Dont Spin Until Higher Throttle

This is confusing. Did you run Motor Test with the props off on the bench or not? Not armed and flying, on the bench, props off with Motor Test. No Transmitter in action.

This is confusing. Did you run Motor Test with the props off on the bench or not? Not armed and flying, on the bench, props off with Motor Test. No Transmitter in action.

Sorry for the confusion, ,no propellers were involved during any of my tests. I will break it down further (I will fold this back into the original post as well):

  1. With propellers off. I conducted a motor test while utilizing the Mission Planner motor test tab (no transmitter).
  2. With propellers off, I armed and increased throttle from my transmitter to test the motors.

Both resulted in the same outcome.

There is this for those E2000’s and then use the semi-automatic method of calibration. It’s not clear if that’s what you did:
Operating Pulse Width 1120 to 1920 μs

As was stated #2 is invalid.

Thank you, I will be giving all of these suggestions a go later tonight then updating this thread with my findings.

Is it a reuse part? Do you think the values inside the ESC are different from each of them? Do you think you need the ESC updater?

Actually these ESC’s may not calibrate. Set the PWM ranges as indicated then using Motor Test set the Arm and Min values as per the Wiki Setting Motor Ranges

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Probably, ex-users comment

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But, don’t follow the PWM ranges posted in that thread. What I posted is right from the latest spec:
E2000 specs

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Indeed. My quoted comment was referred to M600 esc’s not E2000

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Okay @dkemxr @Jai.GAY @nostromo123 @Allister
I went through (or tried to go through) the calibration without success. When starting up the motors indicate they are in good health by the breathing green LEDs per the manual:

Based on this thread, we expected that anyways. I ran the motor tests through the Motor Test tab in Mission Planner and I attached a screenshot of the RCOU values (I ran 2 second tests then 10 second tests for each motor)

While 5 of them spun at the correct rate, there was one motor that decides to spin up at much lower throttle compared to the others (15% compared to the 25% for the others). That throttle percentage seems extremely wrong.

Log File
2024-05-28 18-23-28.bin


Motor Test is passthru so you have an ESC or motor problem I suppose.

Why do you still have MOT_PWM_MIN/MAX set at 1000/2000? Why do you have MOT_PWM_TYPE set to PWMRange?

I changed that??! Ughh I must’ve not written params or something. I will double check, then give it another go later.

OK, I ensured that the PWM type was normal, and min/max was 1120/1920, when I ran the tests, one motor was basically spinning the whole time (thats why I moved it back down to 1100 AFTER I ran the tests, so thats why it shows up in the plot with 1100, you can see that towards the end that little step down in PWM)

It takes about 25% throttle to spin these motors up where the ONE motor looks like it is doing the right thing. Do I have 5 bad motors? lol
I saved my config off as well
hex_config.param (18.4 KB)

I am out of ideas.

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Remove the ESC’ and buy some Lumenier 36A BLHeli_32 32bit 2-6S w/ Telemetry, delete your config and reset the config to vanilla, Make sure you can arm the craft and go to esc calibration then select Dshot 600/ and power cycle and arm. do not change any settings. Note: When calibrated there is no need to change endpoints. then
run motor test using the defaults.

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I need 48V ESC so I will try to purchase the same brand and give that a go. I am going to blow away the config as well and start fresh while I wait for them to get delivered. I will update the thread if I have any success or if I just can all of these motors and find something different.

9" propeller 4S configuration.

22" propeller 12S configuration.

only this version sets the following

previous two versions

You may want to consider using these tools to find it out, 1G, 5B or 5G, 1B. fix the PWM signal and measure the RPM for each set (ESC + Motor + no propeller).

I forgot I had an extra motor/esc combo so I hooked it up and was able to get all motors to spin at the same rate (at least it looks like it), however it takes about 25% throttle for them to even spin up. I am thinking of just bumping the PWM up until its about 10% throttle for them to spin up… Is that frowned upon? They seem healthy right now except for the throttle percentage.

I will without a doubt be purchasing those items! Thank you!

Use the MP Motor test GUI to determine the spin minimum and spin arm.

Yes, I am currently using Mission Planner Motor test GUI only. I havent used the transmitter since the beginning of this post.