Setting Mid throttle in 3.4. Where is the Mid Throttle Parameter?

Mine is at 3.4.2… but in 3.4.1 it was the same…and yes,after i let Pix to hoover learn my throtle is at middle…
What do you mean(i am not native english) when u say my copter shoots up …?
How do you start your flights?Must be in Stabilize,and when you copter leaves the ground where is your throttle stick(should be at half)?
Also when you are in AltHold,if you move your stick just a little out of center,when you turn it off,copter will adjust throttle acording to your stick…in other words,if you lower your throttle during althhold copter will drop when u turn it off…

check my tuning thread here(its long…very long),maybe u can find some information here