Running scripts and REPL

Good afternoon everyone,
I have been trying to run Script REPL in the Mission planner beta version that can be found here. I am using mono 6.8.0, Ubuntu 20.04, and Copter-4.1.0-beta4. I tried first with the last stable version of MP and I was unable to make it work using the SITL and an actual Pixhawk Cube Orange, so I moved to the beta version inspired by the comments here. When I try to connect using the SITL or the Cube Orange, I get this message in MP:

Sorry for the quality of the image but MP crashes before I can even report it. In the mavproxy I got this message:
So I tried on windows, with the Cube Orange and I got the following message:


I must say that I saw something similar in the mono output. What was the combination of MP and arducopter that worked for you guys?

Something interesting, I was able to make it work in Ubuntu 20.04, mono 6.8.0, using SITL with the latest release of MP 1.3.74, The trick was to change the port once I connected to the board:


Not really sure what is the meaning of these ports since this is what I get when I launch the Simulator using the Python script:

I gather this is the telemetry two since 14550 is the telemetry 1. Is there any known issue or requirement why the REPL should only works in a specific serial port? For this test I used 4.1.0-beta1.

Iā€™m seeing the same failure notices on REPL on hardware. Iā€™m running 4.1.3 on a MATEK F765-WSE hardware and the latest Mission Planner build. QuadPlane configuration. MP fails to connect and crashes. Thoughts?

Does anyone else face the same using the latest MP?
