RTK gps on a budget (Quectel LC29HEA)

With the latest firmware it does 5Hz
As you see here:

It is shipped USPS! Thanks

The EC29HEA, but not the EC29HDA

This is LC29HEA


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I know you have set the correct one to 5 Hz.

One of those AliExpress storefronts shows it connected to a Pixhawk with a Mission Planner screen shot.

I bought a module from this seller and asked about these screenshots, but he said he didn’t know anything about Ardupilot.

Like many sellers on Aliexpress, Banggood, etc. They sell electronics and women’s lingerie.


Your log bears that out - the data shows updates at ~5Hz, though perhaps not very stable, which might induce a “GPS Unhealthy” message at times (not present in the log).

While graphing GPS vs POS shows a phase lag, the AHRS solution follows GPS lat/lng more closely, which is far more important. I don’t have a root cause for the POS lag right now.

The GPS is reporting HDOP, but I’d have to dig into the source a little to determine what’s necessary for calculating HAcc and VAcc (some of that may be reliant on particular UBX messages and/or NMEA sentences that are not present). There is no GPA data of value in that log, which doesn’t really tell us much one way or another, as far as I know. GPA data is useful for analysis but not critical to operation unless I have a fundamental misunderstanding of things.

The log shows some EKF position innovations during movement, which is not a pure indicator of GPS imprecision, and they aren’t super high, but that could point to some degree of GPS “distrust.”

Again, a snippet of timestamped serial output would help. It only needs to be a few seconds long after GPS lock.

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I am battling with a lot of these issues with my LC29HEA. I have not obtained RTK fixes yet (join me here if you can help with that MyRTKissues).

I think the most sure way to check whether you are actually getting RTK fixes (no matter the fix rate) is to look at the GGA NMEA data from the LC29HEA.

It uses v4.1 NMEA in that GGA sentence and here is the format for the ‘Quality’ parameter:

So, I think you want to see 4 or 5 Quality before you go flying.


so, has anyone made recent progress? Are the EBAY units looking good? Or not received yet?

I received a module(LC29HEA) today, with an L1/L5 antenna. When connected via uart(115k), there is no position, types of messages in the picture. What could be the problem (the PPS LED is blinking)?
@Oli1 Any ideas?

I hope I’ll be able to do some test flights on the weekend. Did some changes to my testing platform and need to get it flying safely first. I think currently there’s an issue around the GMS reporting frequency and/or Ardupilot integration, but one of the AP devs got a module funded so we might see things moving ahead soon.

You need to connect with the right baud rate, which is 460800.


Thanks, Oli1, I’d appreciate an update after you have time to do the testing. You are the glue that is holding these various forums on the LC29HEA together.

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It looks like there has been some progress over at the gps forum.

When using the LC29H series of GNSS receivers, your life will be easier if you use a good serial port terminal program when setting them up.

The Quectel QGNSS apps’ Command Console has serious issues with reliably sending and receiving commands (likely RTS/DTR issues).

YAT has yet to fail me. It handles defining an unlimited number of predefined commands, it is able to reorder, cut/copy/paste, export/import and even link predefined commands/pages. All of these are available from a scrollable view of command buttons.

Here is a view of my current YAT terminal connection to my LC29HEA:

BE CAREFULL THOUGH - With ANY terminal program I have tested, it seems that if there are any spaces after the checksum of your command, the LC29H’s do not recognize the command and you will NOT get an OK response for it.

Here is my current .YAT file which you can open in YAT and use as a start for your personal selection of LC29H command buttons…
LC29HEA_YAT_config.zip (4.8 KB)


Thanks for the tip and your configuration file @Dale

My true LC29HEA arrived today. It came with firmware 2023/10/31 and set to 10 Hz output rate. With my NTRIP provider the RTK fix worked after a short time. Next I will connect a cable to a flight controller and switch to 5 Hz output rate.


That is amazing! I wish I could obtain ‘Fixed RTK’ with mine. I hope when I get my new Beitian BT-T076 helical RTK antenna that I will achieve a similar fix grouping :slight_smile:

EDIT: What antenna are you using?

L1/L5 Helix: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005005787213411.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.11.2ac45c5fC4XZTz&gatewayAdapt=glo2deu

Thanks, I have one now on order :slight_smile:
With my L1,L5 puck even my best signal levels do not reach 40:

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