RTK gps on a budget (Quectel LC29HEA)

I have just connected the GPS to a Mateksys H743 Slim with ArduCopter V4.6.0-dev (e27dea70).
I set the LC29HEA to 5 Hz output rate with the QGNSS.exe. To be able to see the text window of QGNSS.exe whether commands have been successfully accepted, it is recommended to switch off the GNSS system by:


Then switch the output frequency to 5 Hz resp. 200 ms:


and write this to the non-volatile memory:


In Ardupilot I have set the serial interface to GPS and 460800 baud, GPS parameters
(so that Ardupilot does not try to change anything on the GPS until we know whether it is working)
and the GPS type to NMEA:

In order for the UART interface to work on the plug contacts, the slide switch must be set in the direction of the arrow:

Ardupilot has recognized the GPS immediately. However, with the Missionplanner the import of the NTRIP data, although the MP receives them, unfortunately does not work (or Ardupilot does not recognize that a Float or RTKfix is present). I’m not sure about that.

Here are the times of the signals:

Attached is the output of the GPS as preset from the factory:
output.txt (51.4 KB)


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