Rover-4.1.0-beta7 has been released for beta testing!

I took beta7 for a test drive yesterday and today, and here’s what I’ve got:

  • EKF yaw not recovering if GPS-for-yaw lost (issue) – resolved for beta7 (we think)

    • This seems to be working. I experienced several yaw realignments over the course of several hours of mowing.
  • GPS-for-yaw at 5hz leads to more GPS unhealthy messages (discussion) – resolved for beta7 (we think)

    • I notice no change here. The GPSs occasionally report “No Fix” or even “No GPS” for very brief periods. It is typically not enough to throw the EKF off, but it does result in warning messages. I have GPS_RATE_MS * = 200. While I did not test the faster 10Hz rate, I suspect these warnings would be fewer at that rate, though previous testing shows that performance is worse at 10Hz despite the false perception that it’s better because the FC complains less.

    • I suspected my heavy use of Lua scripting might be causal here, so I disabled all scripting during today’s session. It made no difference - the sporadic anomalies and warnings remained present.

  • Unhealthy GPS Signal when GPS_DRV_OPTIONS=0 (discussion) – resolved for beta7 (we think)

    • I have not yet tested this but probably should.
  • ArduSimple F9 GPS does not work with GPS-for-yaw unless GPSs directly connected (discussion) – resolved for beta7 (we think)

    • Unless there were further changes after my previous testing of this feature, I expect this works as advertised (but should generally not be recommended, since a direct connection between the F9P UART2 ports provides a cleaner communication path and more stable operation).
  • Kenny Trussell suggestions for GPS-for-yaw config improvements when GPSs directly connected (discussion) – resolved for beta7 (we think)

    • I’m not certain the changes directly address the issue at hand in the referenced thread, but it appears overcome by events. There are plenty of interface boards capable of 230400 and 460800 baud rates, including the one Kenny uses. @ktrussell should probably weigh in here.
  • GPS_SAVE_CFG option does not performs a complete save of the uBlox F9 config (discussion) – resolved for beta7 (we think)

    • Tested today. No change from previous. GPS_SAVE_CFG=1 followed by GPS_AUTO_CONFIG=0 on successive boot cycles yields constant “Unhealthy GPS Signal” warnings just like before.
  • GPS_POS_X/Y/Z relative to IMU or COG? (discussion, PR) – resolved for -beta7

    • Appears fixed per discussion.