Rangefiner on fast speed low Altitude quadcopter

Hi just share with you latest test low Altitude flight with mateksys M10Q GPS reaching speed 117kmh and altitude slight change if we use RTK it should be better.

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Hi @edfeeoc,

Thanks for the log. That’s looking pretty good considering the speed.

So you’ve switched EK3_SRC1_POSZ=3 (GPS) so it’s using GPS for altitude which seems to be working fine and the vehicle is staying within about a meter of the target altitude above terrain which seems pretty good so well done!

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Yes many thanks the results is very good visually except as you mentioned one meter error if I switch to RTK Ublox F9P do you think the Altitude precision maybe increase?

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It’s hard to say if switching to an F9P will make enough of a difference to be noticeable. It will certainly be better but how much better is hard to know.


@Rajesh_Reddy I was investigating this issue and just tried the NoopLoop P on my Copter and I could not reproduce the problem.

I had a another look at your log. It looks like you are using Copter 4.3.7, whereas we introduced this sensor in Copter 4.5. Is this a custom firmware? In that case is this even a NoopLoop P or some other sensor with a custom driver that you wrote?

I also had a look at your SERIALx_PROTOCOL list, which does not seem to enable a serial rangefinder. So this looks to me like its some other RangeFinder.

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hello,My problem has not been solved, set SURFTRAK_MODE 0, because I do not want to gain altitude indoors, but I use pitch/roll, the copter will land slowly on the ground, can you give me some useful advice

Set EK3_SRC1_VELXY = GPS,EK3_SRC2_VELXY = OPTICALFLOW,EK3_SRC1_POSZ = BARO,EK3_SRC2_POSZ = BARO, indoors, I use RC8 = EKF POS Source LOW, I use pitch/roll, copter to maintain a steady height while I switch EKF POS Source middle, use pitch/roll, copter height slowly down to the ground, I wonder why different PV_AidingMode will affect the height? Height source is the barometer, is it the EKF fusion or the rangefinder

Hi @angleman,

Have you posted an onboard log somewhere? Maybe it would be best to create a new topic?

I see reports above from edfeeoc and Rajesh Reddy but at first glance your report seems to be unrelated.

Using an optical flow EKF source with SURFTRAK-MODE set to 0, the swinging attitude joystick Copter will drop to the ground I see his problems as similar to mine

All in althold mode test and use optical flow in poshold mode also like this

Thanks @rmackay9 @rishabsingh3003 for looking into the problem.

Yes, this is custom firmware The sensor I am using is UAVH30 radar.

Can you post logs of all your tests?

Its tougher to help with a custom firmware. Do you have the code published somewhere?

1 (1).bin - Google Drive You can read this log. Maybe you want more?

@rishabsingh3003 Our company brought the custom firmware for certification purposes. I have requested them to share the code with us.

Uploading: 8.bin… This is the log I tested again today, when I switched SRC1/SRC2, I could see that the drone was descending rapidly according to the rangefinder I installed and could not maintain altitude in althold mode

Hello, I would like to know if this phenomenon is caused by my parameter Settings? I focused on the latest list of questions and didn’t mention mine. Maybe I was too quick

Hi @Rajesh_Reddy,

Maybe you could re-test with the standard firmware? I think that would be best, I don’t think the AP core devs can really take responsibility for non-standard firmware.

@rmackay9 Thanks for the input. From people whom we brought the firmware said they are looking into the problem.

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