When this problem occurs, has CRSF negotiated v2 or v3? You should get a message saying which is active.
I’m trying to think of ways to eliminate certain possibilities, certainly eliminating CRSFv3 as the cause would be good.
When this problem occurs, has CRSF negotiated v2 or v3? You should get a message saying which is active.
I’m trying to think of ways to eliminate certain possibilities, certainly eliminating CRSFv3 as the cause would be good.
Mine has always shown V3. (is there a way to force V2 as a test?)
Recap -
My other nano RX, all having same issue -
Firmware 6.31 (current, have tried many)
Hardware 1.32, 1.01,1.01
Bootloader 2.05, 2.04,2.04
I suspect, when I had firmware 6.19, that the nano pro RX managed to reconnect after 6 seconds while the standard nano would loose bind, both after link rate drop 150 > 50. Unfortunately I am unable to return to 6.19 as the RX wont take it.
Yesterday I tried FW 6.33 and it was far worse, disconnect occurring after about 2 minutes.
Other relevant hardware-
Radio X20s running Ethos
FC Matek H743. Various UARTs tried.
I have been contacted by Alex Ivanoff who runs a Russian language YouTube drone channel. He claims many of this followers are having this problem. https://www.youtube.com/@SetUP1
As a temporary work-around, it would be good if the forced 50hz link rate worked. Unfortunately is dosent and actually makes it worse as the link now cycles 150-50, increasing the chance one of these drops will cause a disconnect.
I’ll send you a version that forces v2. What exact firmware are you using?
Arducopter 4.5.1 and Arduplane 4.5.1
CRSF 6.31
MatekH743? bdshot or not?
Yes H743wing BDshot.
post needs 20 characters so this line.
Here is a bdshot version of copter which forces CRSFv2
arducopter.zip (1008.7 KB)
Just for information,
My other wings - running 6.19, ardupilot 4.4.x and I’m not having any issue is running crossfire v3.
What flight controller do they have?
What RC radio are they on?
I thought it may be an idea to see if the encryption setting would change anything.
So far the TX and RX have remained connected for about 3 hours with linkrate constantly changing.
So far it has remained connected. If this continues to work, perhaps it may give a clue to the problem. Its not an ideal solution as the TX and RX become exclusive to each other so I would have to rebind each vehicle.
I’m using in both cases speedybee wing f405
Tx16s radiomaster - with tbs crossfire micro tx
One question, are you using the multibind feature on your crossfire ?
Im not using multibind.
So there is not much in common. Different radio system and software. Different FC. Its quite strange why it seems to only effect a small number of people.
Thanks very much for taking a look at it. Did you see that when using encryption it seems to be ok? does that give any clue?
Different models - I was flying a zohd altus with O3 system - are you using any fpv system ?
I’m powering the crossfire by an external bec - not by 5 volts of the FC.
Im powering the CRSF and other things from the servo rail (The H743 wing has an 8A rail). Im using Caddx Walksnail for vid but the problem still occurred with it disconnected.
Im convinced that something in the data-stream when combined with a link rate drop (which may change the modulation mode from fsk to lora) is causing the RX firmware to corrupt itself. But why just us and a handful of others?
Have you tested whether the problem does not occur if you have connected the RX or CRSF to SERIAL7 or TX/RX6 with the 4v5 pad?
That would be logical for me, so that the RX also works with only a USB connection.
I started off with that arrangement and have tried many different UARTs. Some give warnings that they are non DMA. Im now on UART1 on the H743. The 4v5 rail is not that high current. I have only the GPS on it at the moment.
Hi @Target0815 ,
in my case the problem happened with a speedybee FC (so another uarts).
And I was looking my first flight and I had the same scenario of rate changes and nothing happened( and was a 40 minutes flight), while in the second flight just 2 minutes after the takeoff I lost the bind.
@Vince_Hogg , have you powered the receiver by the 4.5 volts (fc port) ? Had the same problem ?
I have powered it from 4v5, 5v servo rail and from a separate BEC. Its not a power problem.