You don’t need to change anything. Just follow the instructions. Click on the link for the wiki and the forum blog post.
That step will to the temp compensation for the IMUs. It turns on the calibration routine. Once you set it then put the drone in the fridge for a hour then plug it in to USB and don’t let it move at all.
@Allister The next version of the software will even automatically open the documentation in a web browser in the background.
That will reduce the excuses of the users to not read the documentation, although it is clearly there in front of their noses and they choose to ignore point number 1:
Ok, I went through all the documentation, re-did the Methodic Configurator, checked again everything you guys mentioned, did some little battery monitor tweaks to rid pre-arm errors and…It fixed all the problems and I just did my first maiden flight with no errors or issues. THANK you seriously. I really really appreciate all your help! Beers on me!