Problem activating QuikTune Lua script

That log doesn’t show any scripting messages, like the quiktune script isn’t on the SD card.

Could you put the following simple Lua script on your SD card (delete any other scripts you have): ardupilot/libraries/AP_Scripting/examples/simple_loop.lua at master · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub

When running, this script should print “hello, world” once per second to the message display on your GCS.

Again, a bin log of this would be great too.

The test-script seems to work!

Here is a log of that: 2024-05-01 21-18-37.bin - Google Drive


Ok, so the scripting subsystem appears to work fine.

I’ve edited the quiktune script (see attached) to give additional debugging output. Copy it onto the SD card and restart your flight controller. If it’s running, you should get a message every 5 seconds or so.

rover-quicktune.lua (22.1 KB)

I Tried the modified quicktune script. I get the “Rover quicktune loaded”, but nothing more. Maybe indicating that the script is crashing?

Here is a new log-file: 2024-05-03 09-54-58.bin - Google Drive

Just to be sure, I also tried the “simple_loop” script again afterward. It is still working fine like before.

Ok, that’s a start. Here’s another quicktune script with additional debugging info:
rover-quicktune.lua (22.6 KB)

Yes, that indicates that the script has loaded OK. So it must be something happening inside the update loop.

I Tried the new script. I still don’t see any output. Here is a new log: 2024-05-06 21-38-24.bin - Google Drive

Is it worth trying to reinstall everything? Flashing Copter to the flight controller, and then back to Rover again to wipe all parameters.

Your logs are showing that you’re using the “Matek F765-SE” firmware, which is different to the F765 Wing firmware. Could you confirm the board/firmware that you’re using?

I don’t see a product with that name on Matek’s website (though it is almost certainly EOL and may have been removed).

I imagine you might mean F765 WSE? In that case the firmware you’re using is correct.

The WLITE and WSE series are less performant than their WING counterparts. This could be the root cause of the issue, though it’s odd that you aren’t seeing any debug output or memory errors.

My flight controller is F765-WSE. It is EOL.

I got it mixed up in my first post with other similar Mateksys boards I have used in other projects lately.

Maybe I should just accept that it is not possible to run the script on this hardware. It is a bit strange as you say. I would expect some kind of error message.

F7’s are still good for an Antenna Tracker :slightly_smiling_face:

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You could try increasing SCR_HEAP_SIZE, but I suspect that won’t help in this instance.

I do have a H743-WLITE lying around also. Maybe, I will try swapping to that instead.

And I will not be buying any more F7 boards from now on :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the help with troubleshooting! I will update this thread if I get the script working on a new board.

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