Plane goes crazy after switching to RTL for the first time

If the wires are soldered directly check that they haven’t fractured where the solder stops wicking up the strands. That is a likely point of failure and why wires soldered to a PCB should be supported past that point.

In the meantime I did check the connections again, doing everything I could to provoke a servo failure. I moved the ailerons for about 10mins straight, while doing that I pulled on all the solder points (on the board as well as the Y-connection). Not a single glitch in aileron movement.

I also checked for the servos getting unusually hot, keeping my finger on them to prevent cooling (I didn’t mention yet the incident occured on a very hot day). No failures.

Still, I’m now going with the theory of intermittent servo failure as the only possible explanation. A fellow RC pilot also told me had this happen with cheap stock servos more than once: Stuck in a fixed position for a limited amount of time. He then started to always replace them with quality servos before the first flight, and so will I.

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I don’t get that reaction, but my plane wants to fly away on RTL. The RTL response is very different each time I try it. I keep thinking I should let it fly a little to see if it will circle and come back but I just switch back to manual and fly back. I’m confused I thought if I switch to RTL the plane would turn and return to launch point and circle.

please start a new post, this is a thread about a servo failure, not the details of RTL mode.

I’m reviving this here although I hope the new incident is unrelated to the original one. In the meantime, I swapped stock servos on all my planes, just to be sure it never happens again. I’m now doing test flights with the planes. Two already passed without issue. Yet today I had another roll-related incident, and although it’s probably unrelated, I’m getting a bit nervous at the moment every time uncommanded roll movements occur…

Here’s the log: WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free

The plane just tipped to the right a few seconds before touchdown and landed on the right wing (which became detached). It might have been just a stall, as I had just cut throttle and airspeed was quite low. Although I wouldn’t have expected a plane to roll in this case (flying straight). As for weight distribution, if anything I would have expected the plane to tip to the left, as there is some extra load (receiver, antennas) on the left wing.

I’ve been flying this plane for 3 years and it never did that before, so in the light of the original roll incident, I’d really like to get to the bottom of this.