Hi, when RSSI_TYPE set to 2 (PWM channel), then if the radio is turned-off, in the MP and OSD it remains the last RSSI value instead of going to zero. When RSSI_TYPE set to 1 (analog), then it is working well. Is it a bug, or is it possible to set it somehow in the MP?
In the Ardupilot documentation I have found this Note:
Certain sBus protocol variances may lead to channel values not being updated during receiver failsafe conditions. In this case, you will see the last valid RSSI value displayed during a failsafe. As the received signal strength usually gradually decreases under flight conditions, this will likely not have any negative effects. However, during setup and testing it might be confusing to see RSSI freezed at a compareably high value while your RC transmitter is actually switched off.
But in my opinion this issue cannot be a question of an SBUS protocol, if the same happens also when I disconnect the receiver from FC. The RSSI value (and also the respective channel input) freezes at the last value. I checked different Failsafe settings and different FW versions (currently 4.1.0), but still the same.
I encourage the responsible guys to check it, because it is very unpleasant and maybe sometimes also a dangerous feature.
Hi Tridge,
My recent internal error 0x2000000 was an " ISR Flood on pin 55 " I think it was caused by multiple parameters referencing Pin 55 including AUX3 as a PWM and AUX6 as GPIO CAM_FEEDBACK_PIN, Relay2, SERVO 11. Warning message came up as soon as Camera was activated. Went into Failsafe mode and RTL. More info and logs can be found here.
Hi Tridge,
I remember that there used to be the ability to take off and land on a mobile platform. Recently I wanted to test it, but I couldn’t find it. Is this function still available?
This issue seems to be resolved by, Removing servo actions for camera – reconfiguring all camera Parameters to relay, and ensuring RELAY DEFAULT is set to 1 (for my camera)
I am also consulting whether there is an RTK function on the mobile platform to realize automatic take-off and landing.