Pixhawks 3.5.3 AltHold Crash. Pos(Vert) issue?

Guys, this issue has been fixed by Paul with this PR with a total of 38 commits:

The PR has been merged into master, but is not yet in the current stable release. Hopefully when Randy gets a chance to get it into 3.5-Backports the fix will come out in Copter 3.5.4. There is a new param, EK2_OGN_HGT_MASK, set to zero will force use of the baro for the height origin.

I fly helicopters and am currently flying the patched code built on Copter 3.5.3. Information on the issue is in this thread in the Trad Heli section of the forum:

The patched code for Copter 3.5.3 is in my ArduHeli master branch on GitHub, but unfortunately I have only done builds for helicopters at this point.
