PID Tune button doesn't appear at QGroundControl

I use Mission Planner and i want to improve my PID values so i download QGroundControl software to see the graphs of PID live.I don’t want to check the logs after and after.Can you help me please asap?
If you have any other idea for my improvement you can write it too.
This is my interface’s photo:

I recommend to read and follow the How to methodically tune (almost) any multicopter guide. Download the methodic configurator, edit each file in the configurator to suit your copter and upload them to the FC one by one as you read along. The guide and configurator tell you what to do at any given time. Do not skip any steps! Anything that might seem like a shortcut will result in a worse tuned copter in the end.

Unfortunately good PIDs don’t just come flying by, you need to put in some effort to improve your drone.
Fortunately you don’t need to read logs to do that, all the tools you need already exist.

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This is my Interface screen shot:
Live tune