Passthrough telemetry over CRSF (crossfire)

So for you it’s working normally when using the joystick/OLED on the module itself?

Another thing I could’ve tried just came to my mind: See if it also happens with an FC that has BF or iNav installed. Really should’ve thought of that earlier - will try it tonight.

It seems to. I do find the CRSF menu can be a bit laggy at times, but generally gets through

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I can confirm the whole thing is not related to AP - the settings are slow on BF also. The thing is that I only use AP these days, except for one lonely little BF quad. Sorry, it simply didn’t cross my mind early enough to check with that one… :roll_eyes:

Another thing: Everybody’s talking about this ELRS stuff, so I’ve been reading up a bit on it. Since it’s using CRSF, I suppose it can be used with AP/passthrough telemetry/Yaapu just like it was Crossfire?

Trappy and co are going to look into the slowness, but it will be a couple of weeks because of holidays.

ELRS is not CRSF - it has some differences and does not implement some pieces that Yaapu relies on. Eventually I’m sure we will support it, but its a bit of a moving target and not high on my priority list.

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Good to hear that you already informed TBS of the problem. The main problem arising from it for me is that I’m used to manually setting VTX power at home/in the field to min/max (VTX connected to RX directly via SA). I never trusted pit mode. :wink: And of course it’s a bit annoying to wait that long every time, while RX channel setup etc is usually done only once.

ELRS is not high on my priority list either, the most interesting thing to me are those antenna-less receivers which could bring long-range to the tinyest of quads (provided they can also carry a powerful enough VTX and a GPS).

Side note: I just noticed you introduced Turtle Mode (great!) and was surprised you had a whoop there running AP - which board can do that? Having an indoor Arducopter would be nice!

This is one.

My whoop uses a iFlight Beast H7 but there are others now

Thanks. I’ve been out of touch with the whoop world for quite a while. This one would be nice to have supported one day, as it has ELRS integrated (and VTX too, all new to me), so I could be testing indoor AC and ELRS with the same quad.

To be honest, I lost a little bit the overview… is still master needed, or is the Passthrough telemetry in the actual betas included?

Its in the betas

More words

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Not enough flash with F411. Think we need to move on from F4’s for new targets anyway but I suppose the Build Server (if that’s the right term) when it’s operational could breath new life into some of them.

I think it’s called Custom Build Server (although I would personally opt for a more fancy name like “The Maker”). I’m eagerly awaiting it in order to get back CRSF on Kakute F7.

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You can test it yourself, just as an example this is a custom kakute f7 copter build

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Fantastic, I didn’t know the beta was already up (or is it alpha?) - I just did a test and it seems all I need does fit into the 1MB of the Kakute F7. Great stuff!

I had a short radio failsafe during a weekend flight, about 7 seconds after takeoff, so at very close distance. Everything seemed fine afterwards (but of course I was hesitant to go very far out). As usual, LQ/CH12 never dropped from 100.

Here’s the log, in case somebody is interested in finding the cause (I am):

By the way, I was still getting the NO RC RECEIVER message prior to the flight - it shouldn’t appear anymore from what I read?

You shouldn’t be getting these messages if you are on a DMA enabled UART. This is on an F405-CTR?

This time it’s F405-WING again. All of my 3 flight-ready Arduplanes have this same FC, all using DMA UART1 for the Crossfire RX (2x Diversity, this one Nano). I haven’t flown the other two in a while due to bad weather, so offhand I can’t tell if NO RC appears there as well.

It’s going to need to be reproducible to have a chance of figuring it out.

I know, unfortunately this one has always been absolutely random for me. And it never seemed to have any actual impact. In the light of the FS however… Can you spot anything in the log? Because I’m just about to fly that plane again, in a more risky location…

Ok, so the good news is I have been able to reproduce this on my 3" mini quad that I have converted to tracer. It basically does not happen in acro, but as soon as the EKF is engaged there is a chance of a failsafe. This is an F745, which is probably related. I never saw it on my H7.

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