Parameter download in Mission Planner is very slow or takes forever, but only sometimes with no reason

Your settings all look good to me, I would set the BRD_SERx_RTSCTS to 1 if using the RTS/CTS wiring.
I haven’t used the radios in multipoint. I do use the radios at the same baud rates and settings you have there.

email the RFDesign guys if you have to,

I would test without RTS/CTS, it’s rare that it is actually needed, since mostly the data that is transmitted is retransmitted moments later with updated values.
For example you should do these whether using RTS/CTS or not:

  • Uploading a new mission, it should be normal practice to read the mission from the craft to ensure it has what you expect.
  • Altering params over any radio link, refresh to check params actually changed as expected

I have same issue slow download

And how connection RTS/CTS module only 4 pin output

The radios that only do 56k baud are slow at loading parameters, but it’s not impossible. It’s never going to be fast like USB.

You dont require RTS/CTS.
RX on the radio connects to TX on the flight controller, and of course
TX on the radio connects to RX on the flight controller.

Which port do you have it wired up to?
save your parameters to a file and upload it here.

2023-01-08 18-19-02 2.46.param (15.7 KB)

Try BRD_SER1_RTSCTS,0 to see if that helps

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There was not much difference in PC but in mp Android there was a lot of difference, I did BRD_SER1_RTSCTS-0 and if I checked it was fast.
And even if I do back RTSCTS 2, the result remains the same i think new update Android mp