I looked at your logs but I can’t do much with them because they aren’t in .bin
file format. However from the parameters alone I can see that you are missing a lot of vital calibration/configuration and you shouldn’t be trying auto missions yet.
Examples of what is missing (including but not limited to):
- IMU temp cal not done
- battery monitoring not configured
- you are on default values for initial tuning parameters
- MagFit not calibrated
Also please descibe your machine a bit. I can see you are using Pixhawk 6C but nothing else specific. Are you really flying PWM ESCs?
Have a look at the How to methodically tune (almost) any multicopter using ArduCopter 4.4.x guide and do all the steps youd didn’t do so far. Download the .zip folder with the .param files from the guide, edit each file to suit your copter and upload them one by one as you read along. The guide tells you what to do and which file is needed at any given time. Do not skip any steps! Anything that might seem like a shortcut will result in a worse tuned copter in the end (like it is now).
P.S.: I changed the category to “Copter 4.4” since you are on Copter 4.4.4