Mot_bat_volt_max & mot_bat_volt_min

You should not be using Pos Hold or Loiter until you have got a good manual tune. So you need to do everything above this:

Ideally you would do autotune from Alt Hold on a calm day. Starting it from Loiter or Pos Hold just makes it try to hold position gently and face in the correct direction through the tune. It does not make it softer or easier on the aircraft. It does mean the aircraft is relying on higher level controllers before you have ensured they are working correctly. It also will make the aircraft do strange movements that you may not understand or expect.

(You can trust what I say here about autotune because I wrote it, along with the attitude controllers, position controllers, and navigation controllers. I am giving you the best advice I can here.)

At this point you should not even be thinking about AutoTune. You need to focus on the single most dangerous flight of any aircraft, the first one. So focus on the setup and all the things you need to do to ensure that your first flight is safe and successful (top of that page). Autotune is way down the page. Start at the top and carefully and patiently work your way down and you will have the best chance of a safe and positive experience.

Good luck!!!

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