Mission Planner GUI

Hello, i would like to know if it is possible to have a pop-up (custom) appearing on mission planner for controlling a gimbal. Is it possible ? and if yes do you know any exemple or any idea to do it ? (The solution of modifying the source code of MP is not possible for my case so not this idea)
Thank you.

You have to write a plugin, it is independent from the Mission Planner main code. Look for the mp repo plugins folder for examples.

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Thank you for your response!
So i just have to write my plugin in c# like every examples in the folder, and then just put the c# file in the plugin folder of MP ? or do i need to compile it to dll ?

If it does not use libraries that are not in Mission Planner and consists of only one c# source file, then the .cs file is enough, MP will compile and use it.
Otherwise you have to compile and copy the DLL to the plugins folder on MP installation.

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Cool profile photo Andras Schaffer…

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Thank you very much! i’m sorry if my questions are basic, i’m a beginner and i’m trying to learn everything about this. Thank you for your help.

@Eosbandi @Quadzilla
I want to get values from RC channels (from my joystick) to put into my plugin. Do i need to go with Mavlink or can i just get these values in the source code somewhere ? I want to Read and then possibly modify these values.
I find this topic also : Joystick call from Plugin - #8 by Corrado_Steri. But i don’t know how to use correctly getValueForChannel (everything is configured on MP) and i don’t find SharpDX.Joystick. I didn’t find any documentation so you are my only information source.
Thank you for helping me.