messagesNG - Next gen messages tab for Mission Planner

I just tried to install the plug-in but it’s not showing up for me either. Here’s the log file:

MissionPlanner.log (958.4 KB)

Just a quick question. Didn’t you copied the install files to Program Files(x86)/Mission Planner folder as well? If the same file exists in the plugin folder and the running folder simultaneously, then it does not load.

If not. Then I’ll put together a runtime plugin *.cs that checks plugin folders and replay the load procedure for further testing. But first please check the install dir…

I just double checked but the files are only in the plugin folder.

Seeing the same.

One of the two most recent releases of beta MP have somehow broken this also disappeared for me. I do believe about 2 updates ago.

Since I cannot repro it I put together a small runtime compile plugin to check the plugin loading environment.
Could you please copy it to the plugins folder, and run Mission Planner. It will create a PluginTest.Log file in Documents/Mission Planner folder. Please send it to me for checking. (1.5 KB)

Please run the plugin mentioned in this post messagesNG - Next gen messages tab for Mission Planner - #11 by Eosbandi and send the PluginTest.log file to me.

Please run the plugin mentioned in this post messagesNG - Next gen messages tab for Mission Planner - #11 by Eosbandi and send the PluginTest.log file to me.

Here you go Andras.

PluginTest.log (137.5 KB)

It seems I can do a repro on Windows10… hold on.

OK, Thanks for all who helped me to catch this error.
I published a new release 1.1 which intended to fix it.

Background : I included some debug details in the previous release and some secured installations did not take it well… Now all debug info is stripped. (There are no other changes)

Please let me know if this solves the issue.
Also Happy Festivities for all of you !

Hi Andras

The better half has taken me away from my computer for a few days over the holidays. I’ll try this out when I get back after Christmas. Thanks!

Thanks, meanwhile I managed to repro and fix it. After the festivities just download and install the latest release. Release release-1.1.0 · EosBandi/messagesNG · GitHub

Still don’t see it. These 3 files go in the plug-in directory right?

One last thing to try. Open missionplanner.exe.conf in notepad (it’s in the program folder, along missionplanner.exe) and add this right before the closing line.

      <loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true"/>

If still not work, please run this plugin to do a plugin load log (I changed to more detailed logging) and send the PluginTest.log. (1.5 KB)

This did the trick! Thanks for this Andras, it will be very useful.

Well, it is just a workaround…

The thing is,

  • if I zip the release files, copy them to the test machine unzip to the plugin folder, they will run just OK
  • If I upload the same zip to the github release, then download and unzip to the plugins folder, it will not run without the change in .conf… this is some crazy windows security sh…t…
    Will dig into it. Meanwhile this change in the conf will do.

I’m liking the Trash icon already :slight_smile:

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:slight_smile: There is a rare error issue in case of frequent messages, but I’m working on it. There will be an update after xmas,

Windows security issues.
Since a latest windows update, it seems that dll files downloaded from github or other sources are marked insecure by default. This prevents loading downloaded plugins.

To solve this issue you have to install plugin files in the following way.

  • Download the files from github
  • Extract the archive to a separated directory
  • Right Click and select properties for every dll files.
  • If you see the Security warning at the bottom of the window, select unblock and press OK.
  • When done, copy all files to the Mission Planner/plugins folder.

Note : Alternatively you can do this on the archive file before extracting…