Mavproxy Module Ntrip

Hi so l have a code running on my pi to get the corrections.That is getting corrections from my base station, as l undesrstand the messages have to be bundled in a certain format Serialization · MAVLink Developer Guide

import serial
import socket
from pymavlink import mavutil

NTRIP caster details

caster_ip = “
caster_port = 2101
mount_point = “”
username = “”
password = “”

Serial port configuration

serial_port = “/dev/ttyACM1”
serial_baud = 57600

Connect to the NTRIP caster

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((caster_ip, caster_port))

Directly format the username and password for the HTTP request

request = (
f"GET /{mount_point} HTTP/1.0\r\n"
f"User-Agent: NTRIP PythonClient/0.1\r\n"
f"Authorization: Basic {username}:{password}\r\n"

Open serial port

ser = serial.Serial(serial_port, serial_baud)

MAVLink connection to Pixhawk

the_connection = mavutil.mavlink_connection(serial_port, baud=serial_baud)

Wait for heartbeat to confirm connection

print(“Heartbeat from system (system %u component %u)” % (the_connection.target_system, the_connection.target_component))

Forward NTRIP data to Pixhawk as MAVLink GPS_RTCM_DATA messages

while True:
data = s.recv(1024)
if not data:

    # Print received data for debugging
    print("Received data from NTRIP:", data)
    print("Length of received data:", len(data))

    # Send the correction data as MAVLink GPS_RTCM_DATA message
    # Split data into chunks that fit into MAVLink payload (up to 280 bytes per message)
    for i in range(0, len(data), 280):
        chunk = data[i:i+280]  # Chunk size set to 280 bytes
        chunk_len = len(chunk)
        if chunk_len > 0:  # Check if the chunk is not empty
                0,  # flags parameter, usually 0
            # Print the data sent to Pixhawk
            print("Sent to Pixhawk:", chunk)
            print("Empty chunk. Skipping...")


l aint getting them though on the auto pilot

Hi, l been work on a pi to get ntrip to a pixhawk using a raspberry pi connected using a USB. Do you have a code for this sequence, l have a base station set up on l must say l have been working on this for the past month or so l cant seem to be getting anywhere. With the mavlink protocol


My old answer still stands. There are at least two mavproxy modules to do that, the official one and the one I mentioned.
And you can also use the excelent tools from rtklib.

Pride, do these checks and show me the output from the screen and I might be able to guide you further.

  1. Does your RPi see the Pixhawk as a USB device? use ls -l /dev/serial/by-id; you should see something like this. This output means that the RPi sees the Pixhawk as a USB device on /dev/ttyACM0 and /dev/ttyACM1. The pixhawk sets up 2 virtual ports over 1 physical USB cable.

(myenv) pi@mower04:~ $ ls -l /dev/serial/by-id
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Jun 18 07:31 usb-Holybro_Pixhawk6C_200028001951333132353836-if00 → …/…/ttyACM0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Jun 18 07:31 usb-Holybro_Pixhawk6C_200028001951333132353836-if02 → …/…/ttyACM1
(myenv) pi@mower04:~ $

If the RPi doesn’t see the pixhawk as a serial device, then you need to fix that. Check your cable. After that it’s hard to say what could be the problem.

  1. If your RPi does see the pixhawk as a serial device, then, can you start mavproxy?

(myenv) pi@mower04:~ $ python
Auto-detected serial ports are:
Connecting to /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Holybro_Pixhawk6C_200028001951333132353836-if00
Connect /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Holybro_Pixhawk6C_200028001951333132353836-if00 source_system=255
Log Directory:
Telemetry log: mav.tlog
Waiting for heartbeat from /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Holybro_Pixhawk6C_200028001951333132353836-if00
MAV> Detected vehicle 4:1 on link 0
online system 4
fence present
AP: ArduRover V4.5.2 (291be848)
AP: ChibiOS: 6a85082c
AP: Pixhawk6C 00280020 31335119 36383532
AP: IOMCU: 410 2003 411FC231
AP: RCOut: PWM:1-16
AP: IMU0: fast sampling enabled 2.0kHz
Received 938 parameters (ftp)
Saved 938 parameters to mav_4_1.parm
Flight battery warning

  1. If this works, then, you should try to get the ntrip module to connect to your source. Manually type these commands (edited of course for your setup) at the mavproxy prompt

module load ntrip
ntrip set mountpoint SandySpringMD
ntrip set caster
ntrip set port 2101
ntrip set username
ntrip start

Then, after a few seconds, type this command at the mavproxy prompt:

ntrip status

And ntrip will report the number of rtcm data packets it has received from the caster. If the ntrip module is receiving rtcm data packets from the caster, then, you have a configuration issue within your Pixhawk+Ardurover which we will examine. If your ntrip module is not receiving rtcm packets from the caster, then, you have a problem with the ntrip ↔ connection, which we will examine.

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yeah l am on this am getting [ ntrip: no data]

Check if your mountpoint is active on this page if it is not, then, you have a problem with your ntrip server (the computer which is supposed to be sending the rtcm corrections to the caster).

The mount poimt is active.
Been active for a over a month

What is your mountpoint??

In this situation (mount point active, yet mavproxy ntrip module not receiving corrections) I can think of 2 suggestions.

First, try another ntrip client to see if that other client can receive rtcm corrections from that mountpoint. For this I usually use Mission Planner (Setup, Optional Hardware, RTK/GPS Inject, NTRIP), then enter the connection string like this one. You can do this even if Mission Planner isn’t connected to your autopilot.

Once Mission Planner connects it starts showing statistics of rtcm messages received, like this:

If this works then you know your mountpoint is sourcing messages and those messages can be received by an ntrip client. After you do this, if Mission Planner is connected to your mavproxy instance, then, Mission Planner will forward those rtcm corrections to the mavproxy instance, and mavproxy will forward them to Ardurover running on your Pixhawk. In other words, you can use Mission Planner to do the work that the ntrip module is supposed to do. Of course, this may not be your preferred long term solution.

If you confirm that rtcm corrections are being received by mission planner, but not being received by the mavproxy ntrip module, then here are some thoughts. 1. On your companion computer confirm you have internet access to (at the command line, curl #2 Check that you have the latest mavproxy (using pip install). #3 Confirm that the connection credentials you are giving ntrip are correct. It should work!!


Thanxs. am on here now

OK, I see you are connected to your autopilot. You are using Mission Planner to forward rtcm connections from your rtk2go caster to your autopilot. I’m curious, does your autopilot report achieving fix status “RTK Fix” or “RTK Float”? (see Mission Planner, Data tab).

No it does not l was actually looking to see if there are any parameters to be changed. The mount point is Renewables

l am getting 3d dgps

I notice that the rtcm messages your rtkbase site is sending are fewer than what I am used to seeing…

Comparing the Messages section of the caster status report for your mountpoint with another one, I see differences in the message types and the satellites in view. Perhaps this has something to do with your autopilot not achieving rtk fix with this correction source. Others on this forum are more expert about this - and here’s what chatgpt says:

Renewables Messages

Msg Format RTCM 3.2
Messages 1005(1), 1077(1), 1087(1), 1230(1)
Count 43,816 total msgs ~4.0 (msg/sec)
Signals GPS: Yes GLO: Yes QZSS: No GAL: No BeiD: No WAAS: No
SV Counts GPS:6 GLO:5 QZSS:0 GAL:0 BeiD:0 WASS:0
Common GNSS Osc. Yes

CharlesCoMD Messages


Msg Format RTCM 3.3
Messages 1005(10), 1019(3), 1020(7), 1042(5), 1045(8), 1046(2), 1074(1), 1084(1),
1094(1), 1124(1), 1230(60)
Count 363,962 total msgs ~21.3 (msg/sec)
Signals GPS: Yes GLO: Yes QZSS: No GAL: Yes BeiD: Yes WAAS: No
SV Counts GPS:8 GLO:3 QZSS:0 GAL:6 BeiD:8 WASS:5
Common GNSS Osc. Yes
Quarter Cycle Value 2, Not corrected

okay l will configure and get back to you

If you are only able to receive 1077 and 1087 MSM7 messages, restrict your GNSS config to only receive GPS and GLONASS constellations.

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