Mapping a lake with ArduPilot

OK. Here’s my contribution on how to set up an “alternative solution”, ie: Digitize readings from an (old) analog transducer into NMEA0183

Equipment needed:

  • Analog transducer
    Example uses a Lowrance HST-WSBL 83/200 kHz (transom mount transducer)
    Documentation hard to find
    Fairly cheap (USD 60 on, Nov 2018)
  • Digitizing gear
    Example uses Actisence DST-2 (200 kHz, matching transducer, other frequencies available)
    Good documentation available on:
    Moderately priced (USD 195 on, Nov 2018)

The key of this solution is the DST-2. You connect it to a power source (10-28V input accepted, I use a 4S Lipo), and then it can drive an analog transducer, read off the analog result and translate depth, speed and temperature in NMEA0183 format. For the transducer I used, only depth and temperature are available.

Installation of the DST-2 is super easy. User manual (pages 7-9) clearly describes how to connect a power source, the transducer and how to tap off the serial data.

If you have or acquire a transducer with well documented pinouts, the complete setup is quick. My HST-WSBL was not “well documented”, but solved with some trial and error. I found that the following Airmar pinout of 91-849 rev 01, (available at was correct. Cable coloring to pin# was then figured out by means of a multi meter after I cut the cable:

Since the HST-WSBL transducer lacks a speed sensor, only pins 1 and 4-7 are relevant. Wires to be connected to the DST-2’s “right hand side”, like this:

On the left-hand side of the DST-2 you will find the connections for power input and serial & RS-232 output. The easiest is to use the 5V serial output and connect it directly to the telemetry port of the pixhawk (tx, rx and a common ground). Read the DST-2 docs for yourself, here’s the wiring I got working:

Set up Serial and Range Finder parameters as in the general description, with exception of the baud rate:
SERIAL2_BAUD = 4 (4800 baud)