M8n config file in wiki corrupt

OK, How about gen6? I have one old ( but good) 3dr gps. Should I let it set with sbas on and GPS+SBAS in gnss ? Could you confirm if the same level of checks are performed on this gen6 device and therefore the 3dr config file wont be needed anymore?

I’m asking it because something happened to this GPS from 3.3 to 3.4. I feel that it isn’t performing as good as it was and I haven’t changed anything other than arducopter fw on this equipment and I was planning to reset its settings to the 3drconfig file.


@tabascoz U-Blox 6 doesn’t support CFG-GNSS-MODE so you only have to use the GPS_SBAS to enable it.

All the validation settings (except for GNSS_MODE as it can’t be done) are performed on the u-blox 6 as well.

Do you have a .BIN log from 3.3 and 3.4 you could share? The most significant set of changes were raising the default baud rate to 115200, and that we now validate we have all the settings we were requesting.

Yes, I have, but not here with me since I’m travelling. Your explanation could explain the degraded performance. My gnss mode was set to use GPS+SBAS and SBAS to no change. Recently I’ve changed the sbas to enabled. So it was disabled but now it is enabled. Since I’m in Brazil, SBAS correction could make the precision worse. Ps. I’m not experiencing any stall or gps errors, therefore I believe the connection speed is not responsible for that.

I’ll check when I get back. Thanks