Issues connecting I2C sensor to H743-WING-V3

I’m relatively new, but are you sure the builds you’re using Have the drivers ?you might try doing a custom Build

I apologize for not responding for several days.

For all of the sensors seemingly all dying, it appears to be a cable issue, since changing out the old cable for a new one, all of the sensors seem to be working properly.

I am still unable to consistently get the sensors to show up on the H743. From what we can tell, it seems to be a noise issue that would be helped if we were to create a PCB to place all of the sensors onto.

However, since it is quite difficult to purchase the sensors we plan to use with unique I2C addresses, we are planning on using a TCA9548A I2C multiplexer with 6 of the sensors with the same I2C address. With the testing we have done with the multiplexer, it seems to be more consistent on both the Cube Orange, and the H743-Wing-V3.

Thank you to everyone for your help.