Initial values for ATC_ANG_xxx_P - I can't find them mentioned in the tuning guide

New. I opened the box when I saw your post, flashed 4.4.1-bdshot and posted the screen shot. But this is consistent I think with all FC’s I have seen at default except for one I have that does have custom firmware for a specific craft. But even that has the same ratio.

I guess it’s a mystery.

Except I flashed 4.4.0.

Thank you @Clogz for your extraordinary sharp eyes - and for bring it to our attention!

You’re welcome.

The other thing I’ve noticed when looking at the flightlog is that the harmonic notch values need adjusting/configuring before you start tuning. But that’s a different issue…

The incorrect values of are more likely a typographical error.
There’s nothing in the defaults for a Cube of any series to change those values.
In fact there’s no flight controllers that have any tuning values set, since they depend on too many external components and configurations.

Feel free to just set them to


as good safe values

Quite a stability issue in that log, I would say the harmonic notch filter mis-configuration is affecting PIDs.
I would change:


If that is more stable, try increasing these: