Initial Parameters Calculator Plugin

The best book IMHO is : There is a new book coming out soon for C# 8.0, but you can start with the 7.0 and once you grab the understanding of c# code, you have to browse the MP source code…

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I don’t understand the missionplanner.stat part, would you mind elaborate a bit?

Any progress getting this integrated upstream?

It is already in the master since end of Jun. If you update to latest beta you will get it.

Hey Andras
Where do yo find it in Mission Planner.
I have the beta…but not sure how to find it.

If the plugin is loaded, press ALT+A
To check the loaded plugins press CTRL+P

A minor issue. If you close the dialog box showing the old and new values as you would if you didn’t want to save them in fact they are not saved (good) but the next dialog box says they are.

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Thanks for checking it out.

Yes, it is a known issue, but cannot fixed without modifying MP basecode. (The parameter compare dialog does not give return value, so no way to know if you pressed save or cancel.)
I think I will either remove a success dialog box, or add a remark.

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OK, got it. It’s fine, I’m paranoid about writing the parameter file anyway. I would use it to compare and manually do it :slight_smile:

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Hi @Eosbandi I was updating my spreadsheet to include the different battery types as you have in the MissionPlanner plugin. I noticed this line in the .cs

batt_arm_volt = (batt_cells - 1) * 0.1 + 3.6 * batt_cells;
Could probably be changed to
batt_arm_volt = (batt_cells - 1) * 0.1 + (batt_cell_min_voltage + 0.3) * batt_cells;

and I’ve set it that way in an updated version of my sheet

New link since I had to change it to a new Excel version

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Hi @xfacta, @dkemxr,
Should I use this Initial parameter spreadsheet (or plugin) for my Quadplane Vtol (4+1 config) with big quad prop.(17-20 inch)??
What is your advice?

Without having actually tested it myself, I would say the multirotor initial params should apply to the equivalent “Q_” parameters.
I’ve seen a few VTOL logs and almost without fail they have all default multirotor params in the Q_ params, so I’d say they can only be improved. This also means they are probably not as critical, and everyone just wants to get through the take-off phase, into transition and forward flight - and of course return to earth in a controlled manner.

The caveat will be that INS_GYRO_FILTER applies to all modes, so modifying it to suit multirotor params will also have some equivalent (or detrimental) affect to all flying.
Maybe leave INS_GYRO_FILTER,20 and stick to changing Q PIDs manually after applying other values from the initial values spreadsheet into their equivalent Q_ params

Hi @xfacta ,
Thank you for your quick response. I have built several small Quadplane (around 3-4 kg) and so far they flew well using Default parameter. But to be honest I did not check in details the log to see performance in detail. But for this bigger Vtol Quadplane I really expect smooth flight, with Optimized Parameter, that will result the Best performance that it should be.

OK, will update it. Last update went live in Beta three days ago :slight_smile:

Excellent, thanks Andras

Hey guys!

Given that this parameter plugin does so much for expediting initial setup - I was wondering if there were other things that should be added. Going off of this - I created a plugin specifically for setting up battery parameters. The numbers are just in there for testing - I am open to updating to whatever numbers for low/critical the community deems accurate. Right now I only have three battery types integrated, LiPo, LiIon, and LiHV - more can be added as new batteries reach the market.

My plugin can be found here.

I took a lot of inspiration and stole some lines from @Eosbandi code - hopefully that is ok. It helped me out a lot! This is my first venture in the programming language - so feel free to download and fix the coding style.

I mainly created this for personal use - but I think it would be useful for others to have. Maybe we can merge the plugins? I would be open to putting the time into this if needed.

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Merging the plugins sounds great! More prams for the initial calculator will be great, its been out for a while now and would be good to get some more initial setups in there, possibly fail safe stuff too.

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Great Calculator, Question related to INS- GYRO_FILTER, ATC RAT values are supposed to be 1/2 INS- GYRO_FILTER. So if it is being recommended to leave INS- GYRO_FILTER @ 20 then do we then adjust the ATC RAT values back to 10 or leave them as calculated?


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Thd plugin and spreadsheet was updated a while ago to betted handle the initial gyro filter value and its derivatives. It is now best to use the calculated value, follow the tuning guide religiously and set up the Harmonic Notch filter as soon as possible.


Sorry Shawn so to confirm, I should leave INS- GYRO- FILTER @ 30 and my ATC RAT values @ 15 per the Calculator. S900 Hexa, 15" props 6s standard battery values.