In-flight Watchdog reboot on 4.0.4 and mro zero f7

Hi …
I have had several reboots on MiniPix boards running 4.0.4 … tested and discarded a power fault, the watchdog reboot turn into a “most probably” cause…

Up to now, the only clue I have are “logs” ending at 80m height, and followed by a new log, delayed 5 secods and started at 20m height…

How can I find any info inside “logs” regarding a watchdog reboot?



Either post your 2 logs and / of look for messages like these at the start of the later log.

Baro: skipping calibration
Restored watchdog attitude -14 11 16
Restored watchdog home
GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN
ArduCopter V4.0.4 (40502bd9)