IMU Temperature Calibration on an unheated board

I answered you on the other thread: How to methodically tune (almost) any multicopter using ArduCopter 4.4.x - #115 by amilcarlucas

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Thank You So Much @amilcarlucas, I really appreciate your help and support. Btw, I am going through each steps of your tuning process and understanding the things. I hope you don’t mind me asking few more questions about other things.

Please do. I hope I can make it clearer.

And please do post your edited .param files on the other thread

More experiments with unheated boards.

So this board (Matek F743-WLITE, not mounted yet) heats up to about 30-35c or so on it’s own. To get higher temps I tried first with my better half’s hairdryer, but that created so much vibration that the data wasn’t valid. (as seen in the uncorrected x&y accel graph) So I took a second shot but I got the bright idea to use the bed of my 3D printer as a calibrated heat source. As you can see in the graphs it worked much better, but I’m wondering about the shape of the temperature climb. You can see when I turned on the bed as the change in climb of the temperature.

@amilcarlucas Is it okay that the temperature climb isn’t linear? Is it worth doing again and turning the bed on sooner so the temperature climb is more consistent?

The temperature climb is not linear anyways. It is typically logarithmic, so that is not an issue.

And the temperature corrected curves do look a loot better than the uncorrected ones.


Yes, you’re right. I think what I was looking for consistent, not linear. But either way I think you understood. Thanks for getting back to me. I’ll go ahead and mount this one now.