Is there any news on this topic? In my opinion with the new Raspberry Pi 4 it´s hotter than ever.
I’ve tried to build QGC master by the beginnigs of July, which requires Qt 5.11.3.
I get 5.12.0 (because there’s no “single” “qt-everywhere” for 5.11.3).
Build process ended just fine, but when i try to run this QGC on RPi, it says me “illegal instructions”.
So, my question is: “what obvious mistakes are in my build try?” Maybe there is no chances to succes with that Qt version?
This does not help?
Thanks @Seeelefant! I think the problem is not in Qt version, but in the Qt compilation process.
I’m trying this tutorial:
There is a little bit different rpi device in configuration string.
Thanks @kpetrykin, please keep me in the loop. I am strongly interested in this topic. Is it only a problem with cross-compilation? Couldn´t this be solved by using the new Raspberry 4B natively?
Finally i can build on raspberry pi 3 B+ with this configuration(after a lot of errrorrrrrrrr…):
Ubuntu 18.0.4 LTS
Rasp OS
Qt Creator 5.11.3
Nice! How does the menus work now?
everything its fine.
I dont have any problem with menus , It looks like I’m working with Android but performance not good
Hmmm… Are you running the app embedded or within X?
@JAR4x4 i use embedded
@SajyBug thats nice. It was not verry slow when I got it to work the first time.
Can you post how you got it to work?
@SajyBug, what toolchain did you use for cross-compile?
@kpetrykin @JAR4x4
I didn’t do any extra work.I just changed the Qt version and rasp version.
every step of my cross complie its same as you explain in this post
@SajyBug ok! I will try on a RPi 4 as soon as I can get my hands on one. If that works with ok performance we need to make a ready to go image so more people can test this!
Good news, everyone! Suddenly i’ve found, that default Qt version for current Buster is 5.11.3! (
QGC succesfully builds (don’t forget to install Qt private headers: sudo apt install qtbase5-private-dev
) and works with it.
Also, you need to edit your QGCCommon.pri (I made a dirty hack like that):
linux {
linux-g++ | linux-g++-64 | linux-g++-32 | linux-clang {
# message("Linux build")
# CONFIG += LinuxBuild
# linux-clang {
# message("Linux clang")
# QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Qunused-arguments -fcolor-diagnostics
# }
# } else : linux-rasp-pi3-g++ {
message("Linux R-Pi2 build")
CONFIG += LinuxBuild
and install all dependencies which will appear during make and first run process.
Have fun!
@kpetrykin fantastic! Did you compilie on your desktop and deploy to the pi?
No, I compiled it directly on rpi4.
I’ve tested the image on rpi3 - everything works fine too.
@kpetrykin nice! How long did it take on the pi4?
Any chance you can post a quick step by step guide here?
Half an hour with “make -j4”.
I’ll try to post a guide a little later.
Could you please share your projects of why building QGC in RPi ? First post is an example : like runing in standalone with 7" screen. What about others ? (integrated in RC ? Custom GCS ? Streaming video with RPI ?)