Ok, I will tka a look,at,that. Thank you.
Do you have any idea of how I am supposed to fill out the Methodic config page I mentioned?
That is the correct choice.
That RC car frame surely has a manufacturer, and model name: Maverick Quatum Flux 4WD 3s
Yes, that is correct: RadioLink RC6GS
Some controllers have an integrated transmitter inside, some controllers have an external transmitter. You seam to want to use a CRFS transmitter and that is AFAIK not integrated in the Radiolink controller.
No, that is CRSF Receiver. If I understood correctly you want to use the CRSF TX and RX pair instead of the radiolink.
Yes, all this components have some firmware inside, and that firmware has a type and version. If you do not know it, leave it blank, but is better to know it and fill it in, it will help you and any other user in the future to have this information.
Telemetry is a datalink with telemetry data, not RC control.
Usually the telemetry hardware is connected to serial1 (aka telem1) port of the flight controller. But you can choose another port for your particular FC.
Goggling “Ardupilot battery monitor” gives you a good answer
Yes, that is the battery powering the vehicle.
You do need to have a clue on where you want to connect it. It usually uses serial3 (aka GPS1).
It’s not the Radiolink receiver as he plans to use the RC system. He wants to connect a CRFS Tx module to the Radiolink Transmiter so the Crossfire Receiver would be used.
Normally you would use CRFS protocol but who knows if there is any advantage in doing so (telemetry available) hence the suggestion to start with Sbus.
Thank you very much for helping me understand this a little better.
I did not think I had to google Battery Monitor, because I thought this may have come from the FC. My RadioLink has it.
Telemetry is capable of RSSI, receiver, and model battery voltage.
RSSI and receiver voltage data will display once binding complete.
The model voltage will display by connecting the wire to the ESC, battery,
and Telemetry port.
(打窝船远距离双向回传接收机R8F)**, no extra module needed.
Telemetry of maximum 8S (33.6V) battery supported.
So do I still need and external Battery Monitor?
Because I am using an RC car that will not travel the long distances a plane or drone will. Do I still need to connect an external telemetry device?
No, you do not need a battery monitor, nor a telemetry module.
That will only be true if you use the Radiolink Receiver. If you use the Crossfire Tx/Rx you will not have that data.
Ok so if I want telemetry, with the TBS Crossfire, do I need to purchase a seperate Telemetry Device/Module? Or is that provided from the FC?
I want to be able to locate the car on a map and I also want to have the usual things like battery voltage etc.
Get a proper normal telemetry module then, configuring telemetry over TBS is a pain and most users give up on it because it is very unreliable.
great thank you and I appreciate you taking the time to try and help me.
I have firsthand knowledge of what you are doing. This is my “rover”. H473-SLIM. I can run her on 6, 8, or 12S. The GPS is on the CAN bus as is the radio.
however, since then, I changed to an H743-MINI and moved the radio off DroneCAN. I also removed the node I was using for the servos. The connect to the MINI now. I use a little board to share BEC voltage with the servos.
Nice. Here is another one. It’s had a couple different FC’s on it. Currently a Cube. 2W VTX does a decent job. 4 types of telemetry for test. Sik, WiFi, Yappu and OSD.
Very nice, I like the frame.
Any specific reason for changing to the mini? Was it just to make a little more room?
This is what I am trying to connect the FC to. I have the Crossfire receiver at the back.
On top is the FPV setup.
I have the lights so we can drive at night using FPV.
What is the round dome shaped thing on the back?
Mini what?
GPS module.
The mini question was for davidbitton, becuase hent went from the slim to the mini matek