GPS Glitch and drone cruised in high speed

Hello people,

I encountered GPS glitch at the time of RTL and the drone cruised with a speed of 64kmph which was nearly twice the limit set. It was so fast that I couldn’t recover it after crash land the same day, I found it the next day. I have attached respective log. FYI I use 4S batteryfor my quadcopter and total air time of the drone over a span of 2 months was approx 50Hrs. It is a first for me regarding GPS glitch and surprising that it cruised with speed of 64kmph which was twice the limited speed.

In the log, sat count was decent 15 when the GPS glitch happened and HDOP was less than 1 to be more precise it was 0.67 when the glitch message came. Can someone help me out with this issue.

Crash Log

Answered in another discussion in case anyone was wondering