Feedback and assistance with new takeoff behaviour

Anybody want to test some code?

I’m happy to give it a try if the wind and rain give it a rest for a bit this week. I have a 2kg quadcopter that should be a decent testbed and performed well with the previous takeoff params. Will keep an eye on the thread in case someone hopefully beats me to it.

Can you roll your own firmware or do you need some help?

I can compile as needed, but today was very windy, and it’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow. Will report back if I can get er done!

Actually, @Leonardthall, I’ll go you one better. Wind died just a touch (still pretty breezy as you might see in the log), so I went for it.

Hover throttle is ~0.16, so I set TKOFF_TH_MAX to 0.14 for the first takeoff. I then did two more takeoffs with TKOFF_TH_MAX at 0.9. The last one was back to 0.14. All Loiter mode.

I saw little difference, but I THINK I prefer the 0.14 value.

Log file here

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Thanks @Yuri_Rage, for such a quick response.

Your test is exactly what I expect to see:

With the low value of TKOFF_TH_MAX = 0.14 we see slightly smoother transition to flight as the aircraft comes almost to takeoff then takes off with some additional build up from the position controller as it takes over. It gets to 20% throttle maximum before coming down again.

When using TKOFF_TH_MAX = 0.9 the aircraft is using the takeoff detection code and the throttle ramps to 21% before detecting takeoff.

For your settings this makes very little difference to the takeoff. If you were using variable payload’s then you would probably leave it at 0.9.


Excellent. I saw the slight “knee” in the 0.14 takeoff graphs and figured that was the expected behavior. I have some lighter, supposedly high energy density batteries on the way and will remember to adjust the params if I fly them with this firmware still installed.

If anyone else with a Cube Orange would like to try it out, here’s the bdshot firmware from this branch.

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@Leonardthall Been using this for the last few weeks now. Thanks for creating this. It’s works exactly as I expected and super happy with it. Haven’t found any issues. When do you think this may make it to a Stable version?


Hi Chris, I think it went out with the last release.