External barometer

Hello everybody
I am new to this forum and have recognized your posts as very useful.
Maybe you can help me. I have the ext barometer
-Adafruit mprls sensor- to connect to my Pixhawk. Which sensor do I have to choose under MP or is the sensor automatically recognized because it is connected via i2c?
Thank you

I don’t think that sensor is supported and I wouldn’t call it a “barometer”. The pressure range is much too large. From Adafruit you want the BMP280 board.

Thank you for your prompt reply. I will order the bmp 280. Do you encapsulate the barometer or is it enough if it is mounted “below deck”.
Thank you

Hello another question.
I have now found the SPL06 sensor that should be even more precise than BMP 280 or BMP 388. What do you think of him or does anyone have any experience with it.
Thank you

That’s not supported either. Either a MS5611 or the BMP280.

You will need to place a piece of open cell foam over the barometer sensor.

Thank you for your patience!
Which on would you recommend for l2c.

Thank you

I advise you to buy ms5611 some time ago I tried to connect to pixhawk 2.4.8 bmp280 as the second one but it didn’t work on AC 4.0 version. So I installed ms5611 on i2c (the same as in the controller) and it works great.

Thank you so much i will let you know how it works. I have to order.

Greetings from Italy

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