Dual-motor tailsitters

I don’t understand what you tried to do with your DX8. But do not use your Tx to reverse a channel or to make elevon mixing.
You first have to understand if you have a configuration problem (reversed elevon, bad parameter…) or a PID tuning issue.
Some general advise:
Breaking propeller is very normal. if you succeed flying your tail sitter with less than a dozen of broken propeller you are better than me.
When switched to FBWA or Q_hover, elevons must react the right direction when you tilt the wing.
you must have a GPS 3D fix or the EKF does not work. Read post 65 from tridge.
You have to tune you PID and increase P terms as much as possible. Mixing_gain is also very important, increase it up to 1,2. In the post 832 I describe the method I used with success.
Without vector thrust, the max pitch angle the wing can recover from is very limited so I suggest to reduce Q_angle _Max to 20.
Q_Frame_type is not used for tail sitter
Read post 281 from Kd0aij to understand servo group and pwm output.