Dual-motor tailsitters

Anybody here who:

  • has latest FW
  • Tailsitter (so without motor tilt)
  • got good PID tuning

Please raise your hand and tell how you did it!

I already described how you can tune your PIDs through Ziegler/Nichols method and also did this successful, BUT since we have the PID scaling with throttle in the firmware I can not get my PIDs working as before. This totally screwed up everything and I redid the calculations with new test of the oscilation periods etc but STILL this method is not working anymore :frowning:
So since weather is geting warmer I was flying and tuning while hovering and ended up using only half of P and I values for Pitch and Yaw from what I calculated them ( I just went for only PI+FF, no D term). My hover throttle is correctly set though. I don’t understand that.

Is there any way to see what PID values are currently used???