Drone decelerating when getting closer to the waypoint in Missions

Hey Guys! It is me again. I’m Currently testing a 3DR IRIS Quadrotor on a Mission I drew. It is slowing real hard when getting closer to the waypoint. What is this problem is it about the parameters ??

There is a fix coming for that.

So you say that there is no fix for that situation

It’s expected behavior. You can try adding a small delays at the Waypoint, increase WPNAV_ACCEL and reduce WPNAC_SPEED.

Hey! It is me again. Do you have any info about QGroundControl ? I’m planning to draw my autonomous missions on QGround but as I Expected I ran into the same problem.

I typically only use QGC as an In-Flight Ground Control Station on IOS. There is a forum thread for QGC.

If I am flying quadcopter in guided mode and I send mavlink message in guided mode continuously(every half a second) to go to a certain coordinate then it will keep accelerating and decelerating continuously everytime it get the same location mavlink message ?

You should not be sending position target continuously. There is no timeout like posvel or velocity target while sending only target position.

Could you please explain a little bit more. I could not understand what did you mean.

As stated in here SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT, type_mask tells Ardupilot to how to interpret the data.

If you use type_mask of 0b110111111000 meaning position only, vehicle will be guided towards target points as if it is doing wp navigation in AUTO mode. Also see goto_position_target_global_int in dronekit.

İf you use typemask of 0b110111000111 or 0b110111000000 meaning velocity only or position and velocity, these methods requires you to send new reference message at most 3 seconds interval. This 3 seconds is hardcoded as GUIDED_POSVEL_TIMEOUT_MS. Also see send_global_velocity in dronekit.

[quote=“SouSageYa, post:1, topic:66976, full:true”]
Hey Guys! It is me again. I’m Currently testing a 3DR IRIS Quadrotor on a Mission I drew. It is slowing real hard when getting closer to the waypoint. What is this problem is it about the parameters ??
[/quote] For your original question, you might wanna try spline waypoint until the S-curve PR is merged.


Yes, S-Curve navigation.