Attendee count (max): 26
Follow-mode, copter chasing Plane
Video shows issue with yaw vs COG, PR created for option
Chase distance is on slider on the transmitter, used in video
UWB is next
… and landing quad on Plane
Uc4h software
AP_Periph code is moving along nicely
Tridge is having to add dynamic i2c bus allocation so we can do remote i2c over CAN
UTC1102 -
Is it open season on Nuttx?
Lots of code that could go
Easy cleanup to do
Do we do it now?
MdB asked for this to be delayed
Parameter speed issue
But would affect both NuttX and ChibiOS, so not relevant
Septentrino configuration failure happens will need to be looked at, but MdB will look at it
MdB is OK with things moving forward
Wormed its way into many places, so this should be a huge cleanup
Open Season on Nuttx has been declared!
UTC1106 -
Normally we don’t code stuff for the future
- The bool would be simpler
May fix Rob’s 874 issue
UTC1113 -
Some comments on the assert_storage_size would be good
Tridge tested it on hardware
MdB to read through it
Radius_of_earth - we need an inverse of this
This PR highlights some divisions where they should me mults
- Space-slash-space searching showed a huge number of places where we could do better
Change in initialiser format
UTC1128 - frsky/sbus
Covered above
Will need a backport to 3.6.5
UTC1129 -
Disarm aircraft should force safety switch on (optionally)
We disabled toggling safety switch when armed
Disarming in flight is generally a problem, so forcing safety on isn’t a huge deal, especially as an option
Location of parameter is an open question
Why not under safety options?
[10:32 AM] (Channel) MdB: safety option
[10:32 AM] To Weekly devcall: I’d guess BRD_
[10:32 AM] To Weekly devcall: We didn’t but “rotate log on disarm” under arming!
[10:32 AM] (Channel) al: +1 BRD
[10:32 AM] (Channel) MdB: yeah lol
[10:32 AM] (Channel) MdB: thats why I put it in arming but it’s inconsistent
[10:32 AM] (Channel) AT: BRD_SAFETYOPTION
[10:32 AM] (Channel) Naterater.desktop: I like it being near BRD_SAFETYENABLE
UTC1133 -
Reset everything so stale data isn’t used
You will lose your mavlink2 signing keys
Some RC receiver stuff in there too?
UTC1134 -
Got self-scope-creeped a bit
Should vtol-takeoff and vtol-land be treated as takeoff and land?
Works on all vehicles
UTC1139 -
Uavcan compass appearing as compass2
Forum user had a fly-away because of this
- Several issues came out of the same log
Flying near some big power tower
Messed with the compass
- And the GPSs somehow?!
Uavcan compasses appear last, not first
Compass_primary to 2 would force it
Because of the way compass devids work
If we made the primary compass a uavcan it would break people’s existing compasses
We don’t yet have the code to automatically reorder compasses based on the devids
- We could add it
From a user’s point of view this is confusing
They don’t necessarily track which protocol is being used
- I2c? Can? What?
Also an issue is number of compasses and forcing users to use the typemask
Same problem with i2c compasses appearing on CANBUS and again the ordering will change depending on when they’re identified
Automatically reordering compasses based on the devids
Change offsets etc etc around
Make canbus ones come up earlier
No re-calibration required
CE: And there will be more CAN users
UTC1147 -
Failure timer
Complete within a time limit
Or go into mode-land
- As opposed to the “just go” option added for the OBC when height not reached (not in master)
Otherwise we just hang around waiting to finish the transition
Airspeed estimate
- Why airspeed and transition counter?
16-bit parameter for seconds?
8 bits would seem to be reasonable…
- Tridge has seen 30 or 40 seconds, so minutes is not inconceivable
UTC1152 -
Needs Randy-review
- Bill’s PR is big and being looked at
Has Leonard approved the latest changes?
- Yes
UTC1154 -
No Pierre
Needs Randy to look at it
And possibly Leonard
UTC1156 - need docs on mavlink signing
JP: isn’t it in the MissionPlanner wiki?
No support in QGC for it
[10:58 AM] (Channel) MdB:
UTC1157 -
Larger binary with this compiler
Want to move to new compiler in build server
- No mechanism in build script for it
Why not go to 7?
Tridge’s testing on 7 showed debugging didn’t work
Gdb not working correctly on stm32
To move forward to a really, really new compiler:
Stm32 gdb debugging has to work
Must be well flight tested
The Ubuntu 18.04 compiler doesn’t actually run for very long?
Should we do a Plane release before changing it?
Otherwise NuttX won’t fit…
Does this affect travis? Other CI servers?
Another PR to change
Also we need to work out what to do on the autotest server
Won’t change further things until next Plane goes out
UTC0008 - microsd update
Sporadic reports of stable and master releases
Whole bunch of changes have gone in
Not confident it’s 100% addressed
Can insert SD card after boot
- Won’t work with log_disarmed
Card remounting might happen at some stage
Luis found it more reliable on his boards
- Pending PR to do so
Still don’t fully understand issue
Lots of cross-product testing
Found as many failures under NuttX as on ChibiOS
Downright weird
Not consistent
Adding logic analyser made cards more reliable
Retries every 3 seconds to mount the card
Optimal storage block size?
Probably doesn’t matter
MdB is testing a little
Size limits when using smaller blocks
UTC0013 - serial pass-through
Pass-thorugh to GPS over USB
Previous two mechanisms
Nsh mavlink bridge
Tcp routing for running ucenter
Now can direct-attach against flight controller and flash the GPS
- Added for Robotis servos
Can’t change baud rate at the moment
No notification of client changing baud rate request change on USB
Can’t flash SiK radios unless you run the radio at serial rate of 115200 as that’s the rate used for flashing
Can run Septentrino configuration tool without disconnecting from the flight controller
UTC0017 - CAN peripheral topic
AP_Peripheral is ongoing with PhillipK and Jani and tridge
Next week there’ll be something for people to try
There’s an open PR for it
UTC0018 - NuttX removal
Some found issues
- Build issues
Tooling issues
- Version in MP is coming from PX4 not ChibiOS
UTC0020 - Plane and tridge
QAUTOTUNE is available in master
- People seem to really like it
Tom’s Onion stuff is coming along nicely
Tridge is reasonably happy with it
Needs testing of each of the modes
Test flights in RealFlight….
Need to test every flight mode
[11:21 AM] To Weekly devcall: /me would like to see autotests written
[11:22 AM] (Channel) RM: it will greatly increase the ability for other developers to get involved with plane
If all tests pass then we can merge it
Takeoff mode after the onion!
Optimisation PR - TP and MdB disagree on opimizations, third opinion needed
Nate is expecting to test later this week
Flightmode constants from mavlink?
- Nobody’s really fussed
UTC0023 -
3.6.5 beta testing in next week or so
PixHawk4 fix
MP loading f5 in place of Pixhawk4
MP should offer a list of options
MP can’t get it correct be default
Boards are shipping with old bootloaders
- Newer bootloaders fix the problem
Runtime detection that we’re running the wrong firmware?
Add a note to the Wiki
- Would need to add-custom-firmware
Fmuv5 pinout is open
- Nothing more
Some users getting v2 firmware?
All firmwares currently fit, so why are we limiting features?
- Quadplane might not actually fit…
Blheli-passthrough not working?
Pilot takeoff-dz?
F405 uart issue?
Uart2 and 3 the same?
Some narrowing-down would be ideal
Fly-away issue again:
Horrible thing is that the EKF failsafe didn’t trigger
40 seconds for the EKF failsafe to kick in and land the vehicle
Perhaps Lane-switching is delaying ekf failsafe triggering?
Compasses are a mess
But actually using mag3
Scariest bug we’ve seen in a long time
UTC0048 - Rover
Should do another beta soon
Leonard is doing a new design for waypoint navigation
RPM message?
Can we change wheel encoder to be actual rpm?
Need for diagnosing…
Mavlink master has a wheel encoder message now
UTC0051 - thanks to Nate for taking on the issues list
Nate apologies in advance if he’s getting too keen
Should he be applying labels?
UTC0053 - Wiki
Lots of discussion on how to improve Wiki etc etc
Moving away from static generator == much more concerned about security
- Really regular security updates
Please get involved in the discussion
[12:02 PM] (Channel) RM: if you want to get involved maybe comment on this gitter chat? ^^
Landing pages and wikis…
Optimised for documentation isn’t optimised for blogs etc etc
User experience!
[12:00 PM] (Channel) Naterater.desktop: This was some research on GCS. A similar study could probably be done on our wiki.
[12:02 PM] (Channel) DB: the easiest thing on the internet to edit other than your facebook homepage is wikipedia.
Documentation is important
UTC0106 - dev conference
Book it via email to get discounts and
Survey coming out in early Feb
Book your rooms!