Attendee count (max): 24
UTC2302 - Randy and Copter
- Trying to get 3.5.5rc1 out
- Having issues with travis
- Travis needs a rebase because of the yml
- MdB to help out
- Here+ GPS compass orientation fix
- Mount control in guided mode
- OneTimePad (Dylan) added SmartRTL as a failsafe option in master
- Leonard’s new loiter is stuck on another issue
- Moving position control PID objects into position control ibrary
- Quadplane PIDs are problematic as they make use of the Copter controller
- Sub also, but Jaxxzer isn’t fussed
UTC2302 - Randy and Rover
- 3.2 is going well
- non-GPS navigation doesn’t work without GPS
- Change to look at EKF rather than GPS
- Will create a point release relaxing the mode checks
- Two types of object avoidance in Rover ATM
- Need to combine
- Old sonar-based avoidance which steers away from obstacles
- Simple stop avoidance
- Should add a line-following mode
- Breadcrumb mode might be next
- TWO follow-me PRs out there ATM
- Breadcrumb (Rover)
- Chase-mode (Copter)
UTC2302 - Hiding things behind developer options
- Can we rename them to “experimental options”
- Zigzag should go in and be marked as experimental
- Would be nice to get zigzag and breadcrumb in, even if they’re hidden behind “experimental” (Peter)
- MdB: (I mean behaiour in master is not locked in as far as I know until its released)
- ZigZag needs the developers to come back to answer some questions
UTC2324 - SILS and
- Those at GSoC conference met them (Jaime?)
- Easing project management
- Just got more funding
- Happy to provide free to those that can’t pay
- Artificial intelligence that organises your issue tracker
- Learns about your tags and auto-tags
- Labels things as stale
- Finds duplicates
- Confidence level that it gets right?
- Below 95%
- Looking for feedback, which is why they’re approaching us
- Adding new algorithms
- Lots of active development
- Some organisations are already paying to use it
- Cost?
- Would probably have to be unlimited users for ArduPilot
- They’d be OK with us using it for free…
- We would manually have to undo changes made by the system if we decided we didn’t like it
- Bases learning on the repo itself
- On gitter when we want to contact them
- Sils to write an email to so we have an email contact
UTC2338 -
- AP_Mission
- Do-commands work while you’re flying to a waypoint
- Do-commands take some time to run
- If you hit the waypoint before a do-command is complete then any others you might have done before the waypoint won’t run
- But they may have if the waypoint was further away
- This is inconsistent
- The PR makes you execute all do commands
- Should we run things in parallel?
- Doesn’t work for e.g. yaw-to-heading
- What happens if you have a cmd-do-delay?
- This PR would kill things like changing your camera trigger distance
- [10:48 AM] To Weekly devcall: How about we add a cmd-do which turns on the new behaviour?
- [10:48 AM] To Weekly devcall: And one which turns off the new behaviour.
- [10:48 AM] (Channel) MdB: param based makes more sense IMO
- The downsides of not having some cmd-dos execute is bad
- Weekly devcall: Or a cmd-do which is a modifier for the next cmd-do which says it must run
UTC2351 -
- Current behaviour is surprising
- Battery-failsafe RTLs in auto even if you have said “land”
- Weekly devcall: cmd-do’s on the mind - have a cmd-do which specifies the failsafe behaviour?
- [10:55 AM] (Channel) MdB: The current behaiour is actually in odds with the docs which is worse imo
- General agreement to remove the exception
UTC2356 -
- Touch-and-go
- Landing abort does much the same?
- This automates the process
- Allows you to tune the landing process
- [10:57 AM] (Channel) MdB: I objected unless the param is otherwise useful for automated aborts
- [10:57 AM] (Channel) MdB:: But that was just my opinion
- Led to questions on naming of parameters
- List of parameter names common to different landing types
- Parameter naming issues are hard!
- Wiki page on this!
- GCS don’t like people renaming parameters
- Need to worry about future people too!
- [11:02 AM] To Weekly devcall: I wonder if AP_Param could have aliases… shudder
- [11:03 AM] (Channel) MdB: peter ahhh that sounds bad
- [11:03 AM] To Weekly devcall: So if a param lookup-by-name fails we check an alias list or something.
- [11:04 AM] (Channel) MdB: get-by-name would probably work, but doesn’t play that well with most param fetch names
- RM: THR_MAX_PWM should have been THR_PWM_MAX
UTC0007 -
- Fourier AHRS
- Actually a sine-filter
- Should this go in the estimator or in the control?
- Or parts in both?
- Author seems to be concerned the EKF wouldn’t cope
- Paul R is the best to look at this
- FF: it never starts the EKF, so it might actually be looking at DCM
- Having the EKF cope with spinning Copters has use cases outside supporting monocopter
- Come back to this next week after Paul R has had a look
UTC0015 -
- Needs tridge’s input
- Going to bare metal - is this something we want to do?
- Nathan from BetaFlight
- MdB: No RTOS is a pretty large deal breaker from past discussions, but tridge does want to support the hardware platform
- Inside of the PR is use of cmsys stuff from STM which is NOT GPL software
- MdB: Tridge, Sid might be able to provide port guidance as well
- [11:21 AM] To Weekly devcall: @Nathan if you wanted to talk about architecture / ChibiOS changes after the dev call I’m happy to do so.
- [11:21 AM] (Channel) FF: It looks be Apache 2.0 (which I think it’s compatible with GPL 3.0):
- [11:22 AM] To Weekly devcall: Also
UTC0023 - Olivier and GSoC
- Jaime’s spearheading the effort
- Need more backup mentors
- RandyMackay: Here’s our proposed project list:
- Feb 12 is announcement date
UTC0026 - Olivier and funding
- Making hard decisions on long-standing funding requests
- Administration of swag shop considered too high
- Could get zazzle to sell stuff for us
- Costs us $18, we set the sell price
- Is this just a distraction?
- Luis: Not just about the money. Also about the exposure
- Have whoever wants to run this get a cut themselves?
- Jani offers to set something up
- Linus is doing swag in Germany - maybe he can expand globally?
- Setting up our own is long-term project
- Current plan is that we present dev team with going with zazzle (team vote)
- But if Jani shows us something awesome next week then we change that plan
- If there are better options out there than Zazzle we go that way instead
- SemaphoreCI work is underway
- MdB: We have gone from 2 semaphore boxes to 6
UTC0037 -
- We now have six boxes on SemaphoreCI
- Bunch of tasks moved from travis to Semaphore
- Should bring everything to under sub-15m
- Edge support should be tested
UTC0100 - corralling people using obsolete hardware
- Have a separate place we can direct people
- General support for that idea