Cube ID module and OpenDroneID Firmware

I installed the Drone Tag DRI in “end user” mode. I’m not sure if it is OEM compliant as I don’t believe it will fail a preflight self check if it isn’t installed/enabled, which seems to be a key compliance issue with the DIY modules. But I also have a checklist item of “Dronetag DRI green LED,” so if called on not broadcasting RID I can show that I’m at least attempting to comply. If the thing failed while in flight I’m not sure what would happen.

As I read the law I think a fully intergrated solution would force a RTH/land on failure. Not sure if that’s actually going to happen with my COTS drones or what (and don’t want to find out either).

Yeah, it’s the difference between “Standard Remote ID” and “Remote ID Broadcast Module”. Standard is for manufacturers and has all the tamper-proof interlocks to restrict flight based on Remote ID function. Standard Remote ID requires a DoC to be filed with the FAA in order to obtain acceptance for the implementation in order to be compliant. It is NOT intended to be followed by those with old or self-built drones. That said, if you have the stomach for it, you probably can get through the process if you had to.

The broadcast module is for those with old or self-built drones and does not carry some of the same restrictions or stipulations you’re referencing. You simply strap it onto your drone, register the serial number of the tag on your FAA profile, and make sure it is turned on prior to taking off. Then, you know, Bob’s your uncle.

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