Copter-3.5.0-rc2 has been released for beta testing

When the auto tune completed, did you switch out of auto tune and back in?

  • Auto Tune runs. When complete, the ground station will provide the Auto Tune complete message.
  • It will sit there and wait in Alt Hold or Pos Hold, using the old PIDs.
  • Switch out of Auto Tune and back in. That will activate the new PIDs to try out.
  • If you like your new PIDs, you can keep your new PIDs. Land and disarm without switching out of Auto Tune again.
  • If you don’t like the new PIDs, switch back out of Auto Tune to go back to original PIDs. Then land and disarm.

I have never looked at or used auto tune logs. So no clue what they should/shouldn’t show.

been doing some googling and found this, it appears to use the ti chip you mentioned.

I wonder if something like that can feed 3DR Solo battery SMBUS data to the pixhawk too? It would pretty amazing to eventually see cell voltage and such in the Pixhawk telemetry and logs.

Cool board but, this is for a rather large battery. 15s will be something like 4kg battery.

Pulling SMBUS data from the 3DR Solo smart batteries would be pretty epic too. Imagine being able to see the cell voltages on the Ground Station in flight? Alerts and failsafes based on cell voltage could help prolong the life of batteries that get unbalanced. Having it in the dataflash logs opens up a lot too.

yea im really struggling to find anything 4-6s that does more than 30A

We should have read the posts closer. Though we thought the manual tuning for our copters was spot on we were so-so wrong. We upgraded our shop Centurion MKIII to 3.5.0-rc2 and gave autotune a whirll.

Our flight engineer Berlin envoked in Loiter and was surprised it was holding position through the first few twitches but then I heard a mess of expletives from her as the copter yawed off 90 degrees. Told her to hang on to it then realized it was by design.

We ended up with a large change in PID’s, Though the numbers looked scary to us we are amazed that a good flying copter is now an amazing flying copter.

Kudos to all the development team for this release candidate.

Where is the donate button?

Johnny Skoch
Aromas Robotics

Matt, thanks for having a look!
I am using autotune since the beginning and it is the first time that the new PIDs have not been saved. This is why I posted it here. However, from the log it seems that it completed Pitch, Roll and Yaw tuning. So this is a little strange to me. I am also not 100% sure but I guess there was no autotune complete message.
I had some problems autotuning this configuration before. But the result was wrong PIDs which had been saved. So, I hope for less wind tomorrow…


Solo battery was the first SMBUS implementation ArduPilot had for quite a long time. We have now added Maxell too (thanks to Tatsuya Yamaguchi for the contribution). Since this is a standard protocol we hope to generalize the driver in the future, but unfortunately both of these brands don’t completely respect the standard.

Hi John,

Great to read that everything is working even better!

Our donate page is in the wiki:

Test flew 3.5.0.rc2 on Auav Pixracer on F450.
Stab, Alt Hold, Circle, Loiter, Poshold, Auto Mision with RTL and Disarm, and AutoTune in Loiter.

Al worked great !, No problems. Kudos" to all.
Best Version yet. LOVE the new Autotune. Even in a 5~10 mph breeze, once it drifted downwind 20 feet or so and yaw spun around to face wind direction, it just stayed over a a 5 foot spot. Amazing !

Thanks for all the work you all have put into this.

Hi All,

Can anyone post a video later of the new autotune with position hold?


I made some further Autotune tests with different copters and 3.5 rc2. Today it worked perfectly on the small quad. But again I had one autotune on a bigger hexa where the new PIDs had not been saved. Apart from that tunes are perfect! The autotune waltz is nice to watch as well!

Please open new topics when you have specific issues - and, for better support, provide plenty of information, including logs.

Nice to see 3.5 coming along. Any idea when the final version should be out?

If the plan is to release a new release candidate every week and the upcoming one (or more) will have only bug fixes, then I assume early April. Looking forward to that position hold autotune. :slight_smile:

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Donation Made! We will also do a corporate donation shortly…


I don’t know if this warrants a new thread, it was mentioned here: Gimbal help v3.5rc1

Servo gimbal - reverse direction does not work (was working in 3.4.x). Specifically, in my case (and the other linked thread) the ‘SERVO9_REVERSED’ parameter is not reversing the servo direction when set to 1.

This is still the case in rc2…

Great work, Randy! Really looking forward to trying this when the weather clears =)

Glad the autotune with position hold worked well. Yes, the yaw scared me the first time too.
You asked about the donate button, it’s here, thanks!: