BUG in Ardu Plane 4.3.1 all OSD_* parameters disappeared - *SOLVED*

Hmmm - that could be the reason…

I think this is what I did when I was flashing the firmware…

Sorry, I took a 1.2 year break from Ardupilot and lot has changed.

What should I be selecting here for 2.4.8?

Firmware menus have changed a lot and they are bit confusing to me.

Is there a documentation that describes all the drop down options in detail?

Ok you have a broken 2Mb board - only 1Mb is usable so no OSD I am afraid

Not familiar with term Broken 2M board. Can you expand on it or is there a doc I can read?

Is there something I did to cause that?

In some versions of the STM32F427 only the first 1Mb of the flash is usable, this was fixed in later chip revisions but all of the original pixhawks were affected and also many of the clones

With a MatekF405-CAN target (for AP_PERIPH GNSS M9N-F4 SERIES) with ArduPlane 4.3.1 there is also the problem that no OSD* parameters are available.

Is this due to the memory (1 MB) or is it really the case that recently no OSD* parameters are available if the respective FC has no OSD chip?

Ok so this means I have to physically open the Pixhawk in the future to check and see if its 2M or not. Correct?

I have few laying around, I can swap this one with another one.

I recall having this discussion with some developers few yers back.

Or just buy some new cubes I guess.

That version only has 1Mb, but usually the 1Mb boards come with OSD support if they have an OSD chip. In this case that board is super low on flash because of CAN - so something has to be sacrified


There is a new check - that is what you are seeing in MP. Just try and load the 2Mb version, if it has the flaw you will get an error.

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All these new options in drop down throws me off.

Which one to select for 2M?

Ok, I understand the lack of memory due to CAN. But your quote is misleading here: in reverse, that would mean that FCs without OSD chip have no OSD support … This is not generally the case?

The target Pixhawk1 - the others are all the 1M version

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Gotcha!! Let me try. Thank you you sir!

There we go… OSD_* now showing up….

Perfecto…now I understand the root cause. The firmware makes decisions on its own what features to enable based on board memory.

Is there a documentation that explains what features gets turned off when the board is only 1MB?

This will help in the future troubleshooting…

I better close the bug report on github lol

Autopilot Hardware Options — Plane documentation (ardupilot.org)